FloraFlex Pot Pro

Running them now (8"), so far so good, but only a couple weeks in from sprout. They have a nice low profile if height is an issue. Not the most sturdy, but they are cheap enough to replace if they break. The corners and the bottoms where the mesh attaches to the walls are fairly fragile and breaks will happen there.

You'll need to place some mesh or something like coco mat or felt in the bottom before filling with coco, as their openings are large and let coco flow out first waterings.

The bottom posts raise the pots nicely off the bottom of the saucers or trays and make for really nice draining action. The coco bricks that are placed in the flora pots (if you use them) are high EC and need to be flushed or your young plants may suffer (the runoff EC was 1.4 when hydrated with 0.6, so had to do a thorough flush). Their claim that all u need to do is add nutrient solution to runoff then plant is BS...they definitely need to be flushed, so their florapot coco minibricks are not plug and play.
That is really a shame. I've been considering them and was excited to read the EC being so low.
Yeah, once a company really does deliver on a low EC precharged coco media out of the bag, that will be golden. There's no way to quality control it because processing takes place overseas somewhere...whats a company gonna do...truck 50 tons of coco back to the Port then ship it to india so they can flush and charge it again then redeliver? Only way to control quality is to process it in the country you sell it.

I like the 8" florapots though...I had a 6 foot plant in one, and its weird seeing such a large plant in a small pot.
Im new to coco and trying to figure out the FloraFlex pot sizes. It seems most people grow coco in at least 3 gallon containers. The biggest container floraflex offers is 8 inches that look like the might hold 2 gallons max. Are these supposed to take you all the way through flower? How big of plants are they expecting you to grow? Again, im new to coco so this may be standard size. Im just trying to figure it out.

I also see they have pre filled bags in 1 gallon and 2 gallon sizes. Why don't they offer anything bigger?
Im new to coco and trying to figure out the FloraFlex pot sizes. It seems most people grow coco in at least 3 gallon containers. The biggest container floraflex offers is 8 inches that look like the might hold 2 gallons max. Are these supposed to take you all the way through flower? How big of plants are they expecting you to grow? Again, im new to coco so this may be standard size. Im just trying to figure it out.

I also see they have pre filled bags in 1 gallon and 2 gallon sizes. Why don't they offer anything bigger?

I'm thinking about giving coco a try myself. In the research I've done, I've found that one can grow monster plants in relatively small pots/bags with coco. Apparently watering more often in a smaller container is more efficient that growing in a larger container that holds a lot of moisture. I have yet to try it so YMMV.
Im new to coco and trying to figure out the FloraFlex pot sizes. It seems most people grow coco in at least 3 gallon containers. The biggest container floraflex offers is 8 inches that look like the might hold 2 gallons max. Are these supposed to take you all the way through flower? How big of plants are they expecting you to grow? Again, im new to coco so this may be standard size. Im just trying to figure it out.

I also see they have pre filled bags in 1 gallon and 2 gallon sizes. Why don't they offer anything bigger?

The 8” hold .9 gallons of coco. Keep the roots fed and you can grow monsters in them even

Run I did a couple years ago in the 8” pot pros

Im new to coco and trying to figure out the FloraFlex pot sizes. It seems most people grow coco in at least 3 gallon containers. The biggest container floraflex offers is 8 inches that look like the might hold 2 gallons max. Are these supposed to take you all the way through flower? How big of plants are they expecting you to grow? Again, im new to coco so this may be standard size. Im just trying to figure it out.

I also see they have pre filled bags in 1 gallon and 2 gallon sizes. Why don't they offer anything bigger?

My current 2.4 gallon bucket grow. You don’t need a lot of coco for trees my dude.

How often are do you have to feed with this system? And what timer are you using? The shortest amount of time that my timer does is one minute. I suppose I could always just adjust the ball valves in my system so it doesn't overfeed in the one minute period.
How often are do you have to feed with this system? And what timer are you using? The shortest amount of time that my timer does is one minute. I suppose I could always just adjust the ball valves in my system so it doesn't overfeed in the one minute period.

FloraFlex systems all run to a main regulator called a bubbler. You can control the bubbler with provided flow inserts to feed certain amounts; 2,6,10 or 20 Gallons per hour. I've played around with them a bit and I water my 8 inch pot pros for 2 minutes with no insert at all. Thats with the Eco pump provided in their kits.
You can definitely put your own system together for alot less than floraflex. Poly tubing run off a pump with pressure compensating drip emitters, then spagetti line to your plants. Easier actually to put tees in the poly line instead then put the dripper on the end of the line, then its easier to change emitters if needed. The whole "pot pro" is just marketing, nothing different than using a similar size nursery pot that cost a fraction. Also I havent heard good reviews on their manifolds, again you can purchase better manifolds like Dig Top ones.
How often are do you have to feed with this system? And what timer are you using? The shortest amount of time that my timer does is one minute. I suppose I could always just adjust the ball valves in my system so it doesn't overfeed in the one minute period.
Pickup a cycle timer that you can get down to under a minute for on times. How often you feed and how much depends on how big your plants are, how big of pots and other factors.
You can definitely put your own system together for alot less than floraflex. Poly tubing run off a pump with pressure compensating drip emitters, then spagetti line to your plants. Easier actually to put tees in the poly line instead then put the dripper on the end of the line, then its easier to change emitters if needed. The whole "pot pro" is just marketing, nothing different than using a similar size nursery pot that cost a fraction. Also I havent heard good reviews on their manifolds, again you can purchase better manifolds like Dig Top ones.

I disagree. FloraFlex systems aren't that expensive considering there are 40% off codes all over instagram. And the pot pro/matrix water spreading trays are actually legit. I also use their bubblers with no problems.

I don't think they're all marketing at all. They offer super clean set up's geared towards cannabis along with a solid nutrient line.
I disagree. FloraFlex systems aren't that expensive considering there are 40% off codes all over instagram. And the pot pro/matrix water spreading trays are actually legit. I also use their bubblers with no problems.

I don't think they're all marketing at all. They offer super clean set up's geared towards cannabis along with a solid nutrient line.
You must be in the US then. We get screwed on pricing for pretty much everything here in canada. I priced out their dry nute line and it was more than GH 3 part liquid 6 gal's. I dont disagree their products work but they can be replicated for alot cheaper. The wicking tech they have on their caps are pretty sweet i must say, but 6$ for a piece of plastic to go on your hugo blocks is absurd. Ok if you have a small setup but buying those for 300 plants ya no thanks.