floranova a&b or dynagro

cary schellie

Active Member
I have been using fox farm grow big 6-4-4 and tiger bloom 2-8-4, im not happy with the results so im either going with floranova grow 7-4-10 / bloom 4-8-7 or
dynagro grow 7-9-5 bloom / bloom 3-12-6. Im thinking the P and K are too low in foxfarms. What would you guys suggest dynagro or floranova for soilless mix, 5 gallon air pots


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I've used General Hydroponics Flora Series and currently I'm using Dyna-Gro. I use Foliage Pro in veg and the first 2 weeks of flower and I use Bloom for the last bit. I did not use the Floranova series but I was very happy with the GH Flora series. I imagine their Nova is as good or better. I'm quite pleased with the Dyna-Gro too. It's a little cheaper. Anyway why don't you try both?

That would be great information for all of us.


Well-Known Member
Well im big fan of Dyna Gro, because they re very complete than other brands.

for example , you can run the veg with Foliage Pro and run flower with 7-6-5. Pro Tekt is nice additional to strenght the stems, branches, stalks, and highly resisitant to drought or pests.

you will have more healthy plants that will produce big yield. I use the DG's bloom for last weeks of flower's cycle thats it.

and bonus that dyna gro's price is cheap !!! its worth for your pocket.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Flora Nova series is good stuff. It has micros and cal mag in it. One bottle stuff. I will add a PK booster in weeks 5 and 6.


Well-Known Member
Flora Nova series is good stuff. It has micros and cal mag in it. One bottle stuff. I will add a PK booster in weeks 5 and 6.
TWS, Lord of the Flora Nova Green and Sod Dirt grow. I'll never forget the stinky dank you made out of the simplest feeding schedule of all time.


Well-Known Member
Flora nova IMO would be a better choice than dyna grow but IMO ff is better than both can i ask wat u grow in medium and pot


Well-Known Member
Hi Joseph ! Buckets sizes are 2-5 gallon indoors in 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest. Haha. I have since changed my ways From my first OD grow. I have tried full organics and Bat guano teas indoors and found it was a lot of work Brewing teas with the number of ladies Ive been running. The teas were supposed to be concentrates but ended up use full strength tea 3 weeks into flower every watering. got tired of always brewing and trying to time the tea when it was time to feed. Outdoors Im gonna just use Guano piles and some teas once in a while in replenished indoor soil that has been rinsed and cooking with epsoma plant tone and compost. LOL Miracle grow soil, Mircle grow for vegg, Flora nova and mollases for flower. the good ole days. It worked.


Well-Known Member
ive been using dyna grow for a while and im very happy with it. grow most of the way thru with either bloom or mag pro (2-15-4) added in flower. ive got the silica stuff also but tbh i havnt noticed any difference with it. i got agallon of grow over a year ago and still have almost 2/3 left. as far as ff stuff im kinda a hater but mostly bc of ffof probs. no personal exp with gh.


Well-Known Member
I have been using fox farm grow big 6-4-4 and tiger bloom 2-8-4, im not happy with the results so im either going with floranova grow 7-4-10 / bloom 4-8-7 or
dynagro grow 7-9-5 bloom / bloom 3-12-6. Im thinking the P and K are too low in foxfarms. What would you guys suggest dynagro or floranova for soilless mix, 5 gallon air pots
I haven't ever used Dynagro on my own stuff, but I know people that used it, and I used it when I took care of their small veggie plants. It's pretty good, plants seem happy. I've used FloraNova for quite a while and prefer it, personally. I've had amazing success with it, and I know some people that run it without any boosters at all and get great results.

Hi Joseph ! Buckets sizes are 2-5 gallon indoors in 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest. Haha. I have since changed my ways From my first OD grow. I have tried full organics and Bat guano teas indoors and found it was a lot of work Brewing teas with the number of ladies Ive been running. The teas were supposed to be concentrates but ended up use full strength tea 3 weeks into flower every watering. got tired of always brewing and trying to time the tea when it was time to feed. Outdoors Im gonna just use Guano piles and some teas once in a while in replenished indoor soil that has been rinsed and cooking with epsoma plant tone and compost. LOL Miracle grow soil, Mircle grow for vegg, Flora nova and mollases for flower. the good ole days. It worked.
Sounds like you've definitely come a long way! I hear you on trying to time the teas, I'd imagine with your grow it'd be a lot more work.

cary schellie

Active Member
I went with dyna grow, grow and bloom, the bottle says 1 tsp compared tp fox farms 4 tsp, if this is true its a great value IMO, can someone tell me if 1tsp of dyna is enough for once a week feeding? 1 tsp per gallon seems like a small amount.