floresnt and sun


New Member
ok ive resently been puting my plant in the sun in the morning and at night putting it under floresent lights is this going to have some negative effects on my plant??


Well-Known Member
I think using the sun is a fantastic idea so long as it doesnt make your plant blatantly stick out. I have my plants under my cfls but I also move the whole set up in direct sunlight and they open up like big green beautiful radar dishes soaking up those rays. So despite being a noob, I am a serious advocate for sunlight. Just seems no bulbs can get the mix quite right as well as the sun.
Also dont forget the fan. You dont hear all that much about it, but since adding a fan to my mini crop, the stems have tripled in thickness and my plants just seem fatter and healthier overall.


Well-Known Member
Well, I would personally imagine they would be fine, just be careful with too much lamp as not to burn the clones. Sunlight is nice and gentle.