Florida 2014 Vote YES on 2!!!

I would like to know what John Morgan plans to do after medical is passed. Will he fight for full legalization? Home grows? Decriminalization?
I hope he does nothing, I believe he will do nothing." I hope" because Morgan will figure the angles and offer a plan that gives himself the best chance of success,"no home grow" not what would be best for tokers."I believe" he will do nothing because he knows the demographics for legal in Fl. will not be favorable for a decade or so. Decrim. is needed but is to small a fish for Morgan.
WE NEED TO KEEP UP THE HEAT. TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO VOTE YES ON 2. If a few of us go out to our polling places and enlighten people with the truth, this amendment could pass. Please get out on Nov. 4th and help in any way you can. Make a sign, hand out flyers, just do something. We need all hands on deck for this election. God Bless You All
To bad the amendment only allows cannibis to be grown by nurseries in business for at least 30 years in Florida. Not legal to grow for citizens in Prop 2. It is not a stepping stone in the right direction as many think, it is big business controlling another high dollar commodity.
Be real, unless it's legal to grow in every backyard it's not legal....
Im in California but GO BROTHERS!~ Its a major turning point for boomers who cant take poison prescription pills.
Its a big fucking deal for the rest of the USA.

UPDATE of Fla. Amendment 2 vote, 8:55 p.m.: 57% - Yes - 2,879,097
NO - 43% - 2,169,565

DUVAL COUNTY, Fla. -- Early polling results give 'yes' votes for Florida's medical marijuana amendment a edge over 'no' votes Tuesday night.

Here's the break down for Florida at 7:50 p.m.:

646 of 5798 Precincts Reporting - 11%

Yes --1,420,895 -- 57%
No-- 1,084,092-- 43%

This is the breakdown in Duval County as of 7:40 p.m.:

55.75 percent - Yes

44.25 - No

103 out of 199 precincts have been reported.

The results are out of more than 182,000 votes.

Amendment 2 is one of three constitutional amendments on the ballot in Florida. To pass they must get at least 60 percent approval.

This story is developing.

U think Florida would had learn after 2000 and GWB....its too bad cause I met some very cool folks down there, not everybody down there is a jerk
yea, apparently Florida is the only state that requires 60% for a ballot measure to pass. Isn't that some bullshiti!!!! And you guys were sooooo close! Better luck next time.
Terrible election. Scott back in office, Pam Bondi the one who brought 2 to the supreme court to try and stop it is back in office and of course 2 fails even though most Floridians voted yes. Despite all that.. My plants are still growing :leaf:
Ya man fuck the state gov here. Everyone I voted against got in anyway, so the end result is: Voting really is pointless lol.
I'm so fucking down right now. Even the SSH won't make me happy. We worked so hard for this. Late nights in front of arenas trying to get signatures and then we had enough signatures and Pam Bodi's bitch ass tried to fight our bill. I was just so hopeful that even though the people in charge were fighting us, we had this, Then Sheldon Adelson, one of the richest men in the world got involved by way of $5 million to the no on 2 campaign. He fucked us more than anyone. No on 2 didn't raise shit for money. Old man Sheldon is the guy with the cash that put that bitch doctor on TV telling everyone how bad medical marijuana would be for Florida. So I blame him and a bunch of uninformed voters. The reason this old rich fuck is on the nuts of the republican party is because he is involved in running casinos. Yep, he wants to build casinos in south Florida. So sick people get fucked so the state will approve his fucking casino.
Feel for you guys in florida, I am in cali btw. You were close and next time it may go thru. A few old farts need to die, they are what is holding it back. The religious idiots will always look at drugs as competition to their churches. Real spiritual people would not vote to control others choices in drugs. Control freak jerks are what they are. Old timers believed that reefer madness shit and can not shake it.
honestly i hate to say this but i live in fl and about 3/4 of the ppl i go to church with smoke. i hate to say it but most of the ppl down here are afraid to say they smoke weed but its ok to take the 6 scripts that doc gives for nausea insomnia, and pain it sad but what are you going to do other than keep crawling on our hands and knees or alota pill heads need to stop taking and say no. idk its just me i have deformed growth plates in the arches of both my feet has alterd my hips and spine to the point of chronic all day pain. my doc wants to give me 100 dilatas a month but then i have to have nausea meds to keep the pain pills down so i just stopped and toke away all day. srry got off topic lol but gona be hard to get it legal here when we have our HUGE pilll market.welp cant wait for the next vote :(
honestly i hate to say this but i live in fl and about 3/4 of the ppl i go to church with smoke. i hate to say it but most of the ppl down here are afraid to say they smoke weed but its ok to take the 6 scripts that doc gives for nausea insomnia, and pain it sad but what are you going to do other than keep crawling on our hands and knees or alota pill heads need to stop taking and say no. idk its just me i have deformed growth plates in the arches of both my feet has alterd my hips and spine to the point of chronic all day pain. my doc wants to give me 100 dilatas a month but then i have to have nausea meds to keep the pain pills down so i just stopped and toke away all day. srry got off topic lol but gona be hard to get it legal here when we have our HUGE pilll market.welp cant wait for the next vote :(

the pill market has slowed in florida due to new legislation and tighter control on narcotics by introducing statewide software system designed to catch pill mills and those who frequent them. unfortunately, this negatively impacts the average consumer because doctors now have new "laws" they must adhere in dispensing. many have gone to software themselves directly linked to pharmacy where you get no paper prescription. the caveat is narcotics still have to be "written" via paper other than vicodin you can never have a refill must go back to the doc.
kinda defeats the purpose. the latest and greatest in florida is north florida has become the meth capital of the US. you have a van, 2 litre bottles, pseud, battery acid and you're a rolling meth lab.

the vote in florida of 58% of the 60% required, was due to political constraints and bringing in money from outside the state to counter the vote. and it worked. this time. 4 years? meh. so much time for so many of those voters to die.
Dude, seriously? Do NOT try and turn this place into a dealer's hangout. This forum exists in enough of a grey area as it is without you trying to do this stupid shit.