Florida growers <3 tips needed for a first timer

I only have 1 baby. She's 6 days old today she drooped, i'm guessing cuz of the heat. I kno i'm starting late, but this was kinda an accident ;p any tips would be appreciated!! Xoxo



Active Member
Is it in the ground or in a pot? If pot what kind? How much sun is it getting? They will droop at night. Was it drooping during the day. Gimme a little more info and I will do my best. Have you been watering a lot? Could be drowning it.
Is it in the ground or in a pot? If pot what kind? How much sun is it getting? They will droop at night. Was it drooping during the day. Gimme a little more info and I will do my best. Have you been watering a lot? Could be drowning it.
She's in a pot with 2 other house plants but has lots of room. I was gonna move her once she was a little stronger. She drooped during the day. She's not drowning I don't think. It was blaring sun All day and super humid. I made a lil pile of small stones to support her and she's been fine ever since. I checked her late last night and her leaves were kinda curling down. But the soil was moist so I only put a tiny bit of water. She seems ok today. Still green and stem is getting thicker. I'll be do pissed if its a boy cuz i'm too scared to buy seeds online and I never get any. :o its really hot today to and super early still, is there anything special I should do? I thought about maybe putting her in the,bathroom if it gets too hot. Heat index is supposed to be like 110 today! Wtf!? Lol
How much water does she need? we've had thunderstorms almost everyday. I did bring her out of the rain a few times cuz I knew it was too much for her. There is no drainage in the pot.


Active Member
look it up on here there is plenty of things you could use do your homework see what will work best for you


Active Member
Ocean forest or roots organic are your best choices of soil IMO. make sure the soil has good drainage for example: perlite and holes in the pot. These plants dont like packed tight soil. They need to breathe for best results. And dont use clay pots it will bake the roots. stick your finger in the soil and if its wet an inch or two down dont water.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i agree with Fresno, looks like it was over watered but looks like she will recover. if you have ornamental nurseries close by check to see if they sell the soil
they grow in.


Well-Known Member
make a plastic cone around the base of the stem covering the top of the pot.....the rain will run right down the sides. no more overwatering issues. make sure to leave the cone a little bit loose as to let air in


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is a dry plant. Let her get as dry as possible before watering her again.. I say you need to put her in her own pot asap. She is a weed and will be fighting for space in a week or so. Send me a private message and I'll help you find good soil. Im in florida too so I can help. Depending on where you are I can hook you up with a guy to get nutrients and soil from cheap.