Vote for RT76 next election. That guy is the freeking man! Did you guys see his response to me? It's like he's in congress or something. He must be in his mid 50's very educated and is a down to earth guy that just likes to smoke once in a while. Or use to hence the name retired.
So RT76 what is the timeline for Texas and Florida for making it medically available?
I'm halfway through my masters music.
I just really love to research. Examining the history of law and legislation of many things is very fascinating to me and a hobby of mine. Thank you for the honors thought.
I am down to earth and I am a casual smoker, kind of like the guys with their 'pipes' where every few weeks they smoke some tobacco as a special treat, minus the tobacco of course..
My gut tells me that at least one of the states, Texas or Florida, will be decriminalizing within the next two years, Texas has stuff in committee now and the future of the current legislation in Texas is on shaky ground.
Florida will eventually have to bite the economic bullet, things are still declining rapidly and eventually our government will, at a minimum, legalize medical purpose usage in the next 5 - 7 years. Texas will likely be first as Florida tends to mimic Texas law historically.
Seniors of the baby boomer generation are going to be 50/50 down the line of how they feel about legalized usage. Baby boomers really fall into two categories, those who knew the Nancy Regan campaign against MJ was complete political BS and those who fell to the fear mongering. They're fairly evenly divided. The swing vote in Florida will be the 'down home Floridians' who have lived here their whole life and follow the evangelical right belief structure and won't support any liberal agenda.
The people matter because their support or arguments against will be sortof followed by the policitians. This is a hot topic so it's one the politicians will likely listen to the people because they believe their re-election will depend on it.
It will also be a painful transition because many localities have come to depend on the war on drugs for fninancial support of their police forces. With no war to fight there will be more lay off's of cops and reductions in police force. The 'sheeple' who have to 'feel safe' will throw a fit and the 'guvernment should supply jobs' people will be against it as well. Likely it will pass because some baby boomrs who have started to watch their friends self medicate against chemo and other elderly illnesses and realize the true benifits of marijuana. There will always be some hard liners but I give the baby boomer generation some pretty good credit in their politics.
After the transition there will be a 'boycott' by the people who don't support legalization, picketing and what not (usually 2 guys trying to get on the news.) It will create some 'stress' on the stability of the nw law but will ultimately survive.
That's my thoughts. There are some REALLY difficult poticians that we'll just have to accept will never vote for legalization and will do anything to keep it from getting to a vote. Rhonda Storms comes to mind (State Senator from Hillsborough County - Formerly County Chairperson.)
She will do anything to block that vote, she falls into the 'we should't allow it if God didn't say to, crowd. There are several of those in the State House.
Crist will likly sign it into law as he tends to 'bend to the will' of the voter and fight his party lines as long as its made obvious to him that his re-election depends on his vote, and possibly it will get most attention if presented at a college football game.
Really he'll sign it.. The dude may married a trophy bride but we all know he's just in the closet and dying to come out.
The next two years accross the country are going to be fun. Most the nataion views Illinois as 'The logical liberals' as opposed to the 'California Earthy Criunchy People' and many middle states will follow Illinois in the next two years. So this board will be growing by leaps and bouds as will the culture of pot smoking.
Alabama,Texas, Florida, Louisana, and Ketucky will be in the last group to legalize because of the extreme religious right conservatism in the area.
In two years it will all be determined by one thing how bad we the people want the tax money in circulation to help dig us out of the rut ecnomey. When you can't put food on your plate, God as a reason to vote starts to lose some credibility with that crowd.
-RT76: Oh ya 76 is the year I was born. So I'm no where near the 50's.