Florida Growers Thread

I've noticed the media/ police always estimate street value on the high side. Probably broken down to 1/4oz or 8th oz prices. Most likely there was either a typo by the teleprompter guy or misread by the reporter and meant to be $500k. At 60lbs x $50 an 8th it would total $384k. Screw them.
Wow!! but guys do u notice though...that many grows that get busted are rediculusly large, not to mention stealing power! I mean seriously, the only smart thing these people did were was having different locations,(12 if I'm not mistaken) but all of them probably was stealing power too! Seriously speaking though, the main part of the story was a "tip" volusha county got from so. fla. JUST FUCKIN CLASSIC CASE OF PLAYA HATING!! ONE OF HIS HOMEBOYS GOT GREEDY OR JEALOUS!!! PLAIN & SIMPLE!!!! THE MORAL OF THIS SAD STORY IS KEEP IT SMALL,(24 PLANTS MAX!! IN THE STATE OF FLA THAT AMOUNT IS A THIRD DEGREE FELONY..THAT INCLUDES CLONES,SEEDS ECT.) AND DONT TELL NO ONE!!! I HATE FUCKING SNITCHES...1 TO THE HEAD & 1 TO THE MOUTH!
yea guys it makes me sick how stuff like this happens, if it were legal the power company would make money from it, the state would make money for it (so maybe they wouldn't have to lay off so many teachers), the store owners would make money from it and the people would love it, plus we would save money fighting it.... how much longer??? I hope that bill passes in cali.
A lot of buds indeed...damm i know he is pissed and shitting bricks @ the same time....i feel for ya. I guess if you gonna go big, u might as well go real big..but damm..............
Damn! Nobody here going to the Maiden show.
haha, i hope you're not talking bout iron maiden?? are they still alive? garbage!!! hahah, just kidding bro, just not my style...you must be an older fella, some of the kids on here have probably never even heard of em...
haha, i hope you're not talking bout iron maiden?? are they still alive? garbage!!! hahah, just kidding bro, just not my style...you must be an older fella, some of the kids on here have probably never even heard of em...
oh yeah pitcher for the 1998 oakland a's right .dude im always right i rock:leaf: