Florida Growers Thread

I do know that though, as well as if it was your property you would have said so in the very first post. Backtrack all you want, but it's clear for all to read and see. Bummer

out. :blsmoke:
you can kiss my ass. :finger:just because i don't want to give you my street address, dosn't mean it was not on my property. out:finger:
You are 100% incorrect on all counts. Please paste in some of my insulting posts. You cannot. They do not exist.

yes, Natrone, we all know. I was giving him a way out of his dilemma but this guy is a bit slow on the uptake isn't he? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
So that piece of shit wall unit finally got a nice 1/2in. layer of ice on it in the middle of last night. So now I got to wait until my landlord can get around to fixing/buying a new one. So it's going to be a little warmer in my place, The temps were at about 88-90 today at around 2.

So now i have to open the doors to my box and stick an oscillating fan in front to bring a lot more cooler air in. The question is, now that a lot of light is escaping, will it cheat my plants and end up fucking them up? Or since they're only about 2 weeks away from harvest, should I just chop them now.
So that piece of shit wall unit finally got a nice 1/2in. layer of ice on it in the middle of last night. So now I got to wait until my landlord can get around to fixing/buying a new one. So it's going to be a little warmer in my place, The temps were at about 88-90 today at around 2.

So now i have to open the doors to my box and stick an oscillating fan in front to bring a lot more cooler air in. The question is, now that a lot of light is escaping, will it cheat my plants and end up fucking them up? Or since they're only about 2 weeks away from harvest, should I just chop them now.

No, keep them going...at this stage of the game, it shouldn't be a problem...

out. :blsmoke:
i dont smoke that often since i stopped growing my brother stopped by and smoked some with me a few weeks ago. it was damn good.think he said its going fore 100 1/4 oz.
yea did u hear ole ben say. thats some of the highest grade reefer he has ever seen. funny how police allways say that on inside grows. not saying it didnt look good. but i think when they see the inside equipment they are overwhelmed.
can yall answer a ? i have a 1000w hps great white air cooled hood with a lumatek ballest. if i cool the hood with air temps around 66 to 70 will i need a light defuser