Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
The one thing that's bugging me about that is their also asking for a $5 donation. I don't know if that's voluntary or not. But what happens with the cash if they don't get all the signatures... Is someone just going to be sitting on $500K (hypothetically) of free money that we sent them?


Well-Known Member
seriously dude, 1st post and you're asking for weed!! unfuckingreal!! you'll prob get booted soon...and does anybody else smell bacon?? leave our wonderful thread alone piggy!


Well-Known Member
This Dr THC must have been banned and deleted before I came back tonight ...

I racked up a total of 14 signatures on the petition this week!! I know it's not much but my circle of friends is small... Hopefully we get it on the ballot.



Active Member
sarasota newspaper said that medical will be on a 2009 2010 ballot hooray!!! needs some 650,000+ votes to pass
You read it wrong, need ~700k signatures by Feb1 to get it on the ballot. So don't anyone just sit and wait to vote on it, it won't even be on the ballot unless we get the sig's we need. Then, if it gets on the ballot we will need 60%+ votes from 50%+ of districts. www.pufmm.org Print out extras and get these puppies out to everyone you know. The donation is to help with campaigning supplies and media exposure, if you think the religious right, the pharmaceutical industry and law enforcement aren't gonna throw millions against the cause then you'd be in the dark. The initial signature drive is just the start of the fight, the group will need $$ to get the message out to the entire state.


New Member
This is your mission Mr. Phelps,should you choose to accept it. Keep LEO at bay and get the ballot passed.... :lol: doo to doo doo to doo do doo bum bum bum bum bum bum... too doo doooo tod o doo doo doo. (tape self destructs) Tune in next week for the exciting episode "Taking back the Govt."

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well said!! I'm about to print out 100 of them and mail to all my assoc. Across florida!!! Especially now since, if you were once a convicted felon in our sorry ass state you could not vote....! But now a convicted felon caan vote because mr c. Christ has automatically restored voting rights for convicted felons....look it up..damm gotta go buy some ink....

Duval Chronic

Active Member
North florida here... but lets be honest, florida is allll old people. this is going to be the hardest state to flip into legalization, weve got quite a task on our hands.


Well-Known Member
Yes old people with glaucoma, cancer, arthritis and a whole slew of other medical problems. Some of them are even old hippies in retirement who would LOVE to get MM in Florida ....

Don't discount old people, maybe not all of them will go for it but it seems every time I go to the book store there's a 60+ year old geezer trying really hard to not be noticed while browsing High Time or Cannabis Culture magazines.

The old people will probably help this as long as it's presented right.



Well-Known Member
Shit! I have gotten all the old lady's on the block to sign up.I have around 30 so far,plus around another 30 at work.Plus will be hitting the streets hard.


Active Member
Yeah, I was at the hydro shop a few weeks ago and 2 people in front of me in line was an old gray haired lady with a walker..she was purchasing a single plant bubbler. Not to mention the latest poll in florida was performed by news media in Naples, can you say "old people"? They polled over 80% in favor of MMJ in FLA