Florida has big say in primarys


Well-Known Member
now if only we could get people like us to vote and educate themselves haha. Tomorrow i go to register, dont know if i'll be eligible for the primaries, but i will be for the big shabang.

Has anyone else noticed the incredible influence religion has had in politics in the last 8 years. not to bash on religion at all but, seperation of church and state. So many things this administration has proposed is just crazy. Supplementing welfare with church donations and things of that sort, just to start.

Hopefully florida can be primary that the candidates actually stop focusing on attacking eachother and focus on the country. Unity my friends, unity


Well-Known Member
This is what i said in return to what jmac said:

one i didnt call anyone ignorant nor did i bring up the war,i brought up the fact that a rep. didnt create more jobs for this country,when bill was in office we had hella jobs that came up from him doing what a president should do,dont get on the defense dude,im putting the better points out there,one thing that america needs right now is for the economy to come back down to a stable level and more jobs to be produced before this country goes back into a depression.
I wasnt directing that comment to you it was to granite


Well-Known Member
i dont know what hillary offers. honestly she seems like shes been playing it very safe. Trying to make up to conservatives for being a woman.

Obama can offer truth, straight forwardness. But i dont think the country as a whole could over him being black (a shame they cant), and i dont know if he has the proper experiance.

On the rep side, Rudy is a joke. If he is elected, i will honestly move to Canada. He ran New York from yankee stadium in the first row, bout it. He wouldnt even be running had he not been the mayor during 9/11 and been named Times man of the year. all b/s

I dont really know too much about the other candidates. Mccain seems like hes straightforward too, but theres something about him i dont like, a "vibe" if you will


Active Member
Wait bush came in when the Economy was at a stable level,cuz when bush came in bill had just left the building after fixing G.W.B fathers problems,the economy was bad when the first bush was in office and it took a democrat to fix the problem,that tells you that dems. are doing something right.


Well-Known Member
See me and gransite is on the same page do for america at home putting the middle class in mind,More Jobs,less tax cuts that are going into rich ppls pocket
thats what ive been saying from the beging, no demacrat is going to keep low taxes ,you guy should really be watching the debate its on right now


Well-Known Member
cant watch debate. the lower taxes cut my goverment aid funding and now my cables turned off.

And Jmac taxes are good!!!!!!!!!!! damn man, look at everything around you on ur way to work tomorrow. TAXES


Active Member
what about the ssi reserves? that werent supposed to be touched the clinton put aside?what about ssi and medicare and health insurance policies,rep raised them dems want to lower them.


Well-Known Member
The highway huckabee is proposing, what are the destinations hes proposing this will effect? will the upkeep and maintainance of this highway cost more in the long run than the benefeits it will produce in the short term?


Well-Known Member
Wait bush came in when the Economy was at a stable level,cuz when bush came in bill had just left the building after fixing G.W.B fathers problems,the economy was bad when the first bush was in office and it took a democrat to fix the problem,that tells you that dems. are doing something right.
I just said bush fucked up. I meant with 911 when he came in and felt he had to defend the country on info from rumsfeild and his other advisor.and it started bad. but were talking new rep. not bush. tell me 1 good thing the dems. are offering


Active Member
Jobs For the country,mainly for lower and middle class.what about ssi and medicare and health insurance policies,rep raised them dems want to lower them?


Well-Known Member
the privitization of SSI shouldnt happen. Independant savings plans should be stressed throughout everyones lives. Do you first, if anything ive learned that from rep.'s

How about a little raise in taxes to fund healthcare costs for the general public. Does that sound like a bad plan Jmac? saving these lower/middle class families from spending three months work to help their childs smile(braces) or if they are hurt and cant work (broken leg/arm). Now on top of missing all that work, they have to pay RIDICULOUS medical costs? how bout a lil help from uncle sam? If i can get drafted for war, can a i get a lil help with my personal wars?


Well-Known Member
cant watch debate. the lower taxes cut my goverment aid funding and now my cables turned off.

And Jmac taxes are good!!!!!!!!!!! damn man, look at everything around you on ur way to work tomorrow. TAXES
I never said get rid of taxes just lower them your cables probaly off because they took to much taxes from you check. these are new rep. with new plans they say the old one arnt working. they know bush hasnt done that well


Well-Known Member
Naw man, reps. want to do away with almost everything government funded. Rpublican 101 states small government. Meaning no government agencies, because they wanna spend all that money on superfluous and crazy missle defense systems in outer space.

They pave the roads for out sourcing of blue collar jobs, so the heads of thise companies (white collars) can save a few bucks for the porches and 7863245 homes all over the world.


Well-Known Member
so if huckabee did away with the IRS, how is that helping the government make money? They will find a way to take our money, which is fine with me. I live here, i enjoy the fruits of this country, so thats my part. paying taxes. If my taxes can help a family in need, or turn on lights in someone elses home, then do it.

And my cable is fine, im just really comfy in my bed with my laptop on my lap haha. Only tv is in the living room


Well-Known Member
there all for insurance dems and rep. so what elsa r dems offering besides surrender to terrorist


Well-Known Member
Its not a surrender to terrorists.

So what happens when every last car bomb in the middle east kills the last civillian? Then where do those "radicals" go? they spread, they come here. They arent targeting US, they're targetting theyre own people now, in hopes that we can see that our involvement is killing the very people that "we're trying to help".

How would you feel if some great super power ten years down the road invades america for now good reason, said we had WMD's. (which we do have a shitload of). Would you say "yeah, you're right, we surrender...."??? its not in human nature to just give up. Im in no way approving their activities, just sayin, walk a mile ya know


Active Member
Construction workers are having it hard now cuz there is no more work my bro is laid off becuz of this,but jmac what do you think about the health insurance policies and medicare,medicaid,what about the ppl instead,without the ppl there would be no america,most of the ppl who have lost jobs have turned to alternative forms of making money,you catch my drift with alternatvie