Florida Officials Warn: Kids Using 'human Waste' To Get High'...


Active Member
Wonder what the potency is like if you leave it outside in nature, or produce it under lights? I might have to do both and do a journal. Should i go mh or hps? could you mix the the final product with toilet spray to knock out the taste? Does corn content change the potency? I cant believe that someone would do that...........its just awesome. Shouldnt this thread be in the D.I.Y section? :)


Active Member
Wonder what the potency is like if you leave it outside in nature, or produce it under lights? I might have to do both and do a journal. Should i go mh or hps? could you mix the the final product with toilet spray to knock out the taste? Does corn content change the potency? I cant believe that someone would do that...........its just awesome. Shouldnt this thread be in the D.I.Y section? :)
Maybe use a bubbler? ....

Nah, this shit is nasty. Reminds me of the South Park episode where they got high on cat pee


Active Member
I remember that episode, "cheesing" was the term used. Could you just compress your poos into a block, dry it, and smoke it like hash??? Whats next? doing lines of dandruff??


Well-Known Member
funniest thing is they call it a drug, its shit and piss in a bottle dipshits what kinda fucking drug is that.
Secondly, just fucked, completely fucked, fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked is all i have to say to that, wow.
Who actually would do this, even if i had one arm living in lusaka and i was a homeless 8 year old, i would have set my situation up better than to be talked into inhaling shit fumes, fuck we have no chance if these kids will be in power one day, fuck bush doing coke, what about little johnny sniffin shit fumes hoping to be the president? Fuck let obama and clinton blaze down quarter pounds a day, id still let them run the us.
Im astonished in a new way i never thought possible, fuck me i actually dont know what to do today, now that i know that kids inhale shit for fun? Im completely at a loss for words or ideas to get me to not think about this shit, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


Well-Known Member
lmfao lines of dandruff, thats fucking golden. Only thing that could have got me to stop thinkin bout kids actually inhaling shitpiss concoctions. Im still boggled................................................................. how much does their life really suck?


Well-Known Member
You are aware that this is total and complete rubbish, right? The pictures of the kid where a prank. If you read around the kid explains that it is a Nuttela an flour turd. It never happened. Some dumbass African kids might have been huffing methane but that is it. No real story, no ancestors, no trip, not real. Perhaps the funniest part is that CNN, FOX, and some other dumb ass cops reported it with ZERO facts, sighted references, or anything. I don't even think that the flyer from the police station is real. And if it is the cops used the bullshit pictures from the kid. You really think poo poo can fuck you up?

EDIT: I know that some of you know this and are just trying to get some dumbass to do it. Funny...but wrong. Sorry but I cannot let some of the fool ass fools that post on here really huff crap.