Florida Outdoor 2009


Well-Known Member
thanx for the compliments CV. hell yea a cold corona is good shit.

hey mega, yes i think rust would probly hurt the plants. the metal is in the ground but its about 1.5 feet away from the plant so i dont know if thats why. it was a crappy little plant from the beginning and the spot its in gets almost no direct light. i think im gonna switch it out once im sure of the sex on this other plant i have.


Active Member
FS, those outdoor plants are going to more than make up for the indoor grow :-) I can see a huge potential yield there, I got everything crossed for you here! Can't wait to see them in a few weeks time.



Well-Known Member
ohh yeaa.. the flowering has begun. been fighting these aphids and spider mites like crazy. but its under control. i found a large castor bean plant next to my spider haze that was totally infested with spider mites. i took care of those bitches with a blowtorch and a can of spraypaint.. hahaha.

ill post more pics when it gets a little further into flowering. stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
here we gooo......

had to get in there for some size comparison...

this unkown strain from palm coast, FL has replaced the lemonxak47 i had there because the Lak was a runt, and wouldn't grow.



Well-Known Member
Is that a Jack Russel dog I see? My Jack earns it keep every night dogging out back.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Ghetto Style... i like it lol, you're bigger sativa looks healthy, Big ass stem! i wish you alot of bud at harvest man! keep Growing, Peace.


Well-Known Member
5150, that is a mutt we found on the street. i think its a pitbull beagle mix. yeaaa she protects the yard good.

Thanx for the compliments Dr.high... there will be plenty of pics. stay tuned.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
very nice but i would do somthing about that bud gangster...LOL oh and nice lookinf bird you have there.... lookslike a jungle too me... way to go bro...


Well-Known Member
thanx MG, what do you mean by bud gangster? dam im to high to comprehend.. oh yea and my bird, her name is spider haze.


Active Member
Nice grow! I need a privacy fence I to pull one of those off. I have a couple outside gotta go check em later. I got Black Pearl and WW goin. they love this sunshine