Florida outdoor 2011

pot grower

Active Member
How's it goinn' :weed:

Here's my Florida Outdoor grow.

1x Agent Orange
1x Super Lemon Haze
5x Bagseed

This is my Agent orange plant, about a month into flowering. :leaf:


Super Lemon Haze. Just beginning to show pistils.



Here's the poor soul that was violently ripped from her establishment. Luckily I had the chance to nurse the near-dead plant back to life. She's on her way to full recovery:leaf:

pot grower

Active Member
Here's another plant I got. Just some bagseed. Finally starting fill out a bit.

I've still got a few more girls back at the spot, i'll take some pics tomorrow and post em up.


Well-Known Member
bagseeds are either from hermaphrodites or a male that was left with the girls. most likely its gonna have some seeds, so keep it away from any females.

and florida can be good for growing, but sometimes the humidity and never ending rain. looks good though.

pot grower

Active Member
Agent orange


Super Lemon Haze






Well-Known Member
looks great I bet u can grow some good shit in florida
Not really. I live and grow in Norcal now, but up till 6years ago, I lived in Florida. It's humid as hell all year round, and rainy in the winter, and the light schedule sucks for quick flowering. It's a great place to veg up a big monster, but unless you got a sativa dom that can handle the humidity, you get bud rot alot. It's hard to grow there.

pot grower

Active Member
Does my agent orange look right for a month of flowering? She starting showing her first pistils around July 20,
Heres a shot of her main cola from a few days ago.

Here's a top view from earlier today.


Yeah man I also live in florida. yeah def. looks like you had a late start but your plants look nice. You prob. need to get some bigger pots like weezer or put them in the ground, and hopefully you can get a couple of Os dank...

pot grower

Active Member
Update August 25, 2011

Agent Orange


Super Lemon Haze




Bag seed


pot grower

Active Member
My agent orange is only a month from harvest!

The others are just starting, they've still got a couple months to go.


Kudos for FL growing, thier looking real nice man. I was growing outside too until the rain pissed me off, are you lettin sit in the rain or do you cover them?

pot grower

Active Member
Nope no covers. Just lettin em' get the rain.
I need to keep an eye on my agent orange for budrot though because it's always super humid out.

Btw she's only a couple more weeks from harvest. I cant wait!

pot grower

Active Member
Ok mini update:

alright so this one is pushing out bright pink pistils at every budsite.


Heres my newest confirmed female.

Agent Orange soo close to harvest! calyxes are swelling and the buds are stinking.

pot grower

Active Member
The anticipation is killing me! I can't wait to harvest that frosty goodness. The calyxes have swelled to more than triple their original size, the buds look like they've been snowed on, and it reeks like skunky lemony goodness. She's practically ready i'm just letting her plump up as much as possible.

I feel like a kid on december 18.