Florida Senate passes "Bong Bill"


Well-Known Member
No offense, but if you raise points of fact that someone else disputes, asking the other person to research your claims to prove their authenticity doesn't usually make for effective discourse. I also responded to your previous points and raised some additional questions. I'd be happy continuing the discussion if you addressed those first.
But burying your head in the ground until some one comes with the magic pill isn't the path to enlightenment either. A few days of diligent googling, and a few documentaries and you won't be able to look at things the same. It is fairly well laid out of some one willing to look at the facts unbiasedly and ask who stands to gain, you will see clearly. This isn't a way to make the upper class go to the lower class and the lower class rise to power, it really is in regards to removing class boundaries and returning to an egalitarian world view.

Just imagine if everyone was your roommate and you have to decide how to run an effective household. Sure everyone gets a say, and some people have some requirements that need to be met, you may have disputes, but in this house you can't just move out.

Yeh Crist needs to go, Check out Alex Snitker, he's not a career politician, just a regular dude, ex marine and just got fed up with all of the corruption in government and now he's running for Florida Senate. The current representatives who are making the laws do not represent myself or anyone I know, they are totally out of touch with reality.