Floro question


Im starting my 16 plants in my new grow tent but Im not sure how may watts are needed from my floros during the veg cycle. andy suggestions?


Active Member
Veg doesn't demand a lot of light thankfully. The more light you add, the faster it will grow, plain and simple. That said, growing slowly isn't bad for the plant, it just takes a little more time to get big. There are no real watt requirements, however most people tend to think about 50W a square foot is a good rule of thumb for full size plants. If you use a scrog or sog, it can be less.

Metal Halide is the most efficient lumens / watt followed by T5 fluorescent bulbs. Regular fluorescents are cheap initially, however they'll eventually cost more in electricity.


Thanks for the help guys. I think these plants are going to turn out good.

1 other question though, Will letting the plant in veg cycle grow taller that 12in (when most ppl start the flowering cycle) allow the plant to yield more or does the extra height not play a roll in the final yield. Sorry if its a dumb question.


Active Member
As long as you supply it with adequate light during flowering, the larger the plant, the bigger the yield off of that plant. The larger the plant however, the more light required. If you want to increase yields with hard work rather than with equipment, look up some stuff on scrogging.