flourescent heat???


Active Member
I have some plants growing in a room under a 400w, in flowering. I want to cut the room in half with some timber and black plastic sheeting, and use one half as a vegging room. I was thinking of flourescents because I think they dont generate much heat, and with the 400w in there already I can only afford the heat to rise a little bit more above what it is now.

So basically I want to know how much heat flourescents generate. At least compared to hps?



Well-Known Member
How many of them and how big is the area? I have 16 fluorescents in my cabinet and if I didn't have 2 fans and an a/c mostly acting as another fan but also lowering the temp with the compressor the odd time it gets up to 100F fairly quickly. Don't get me wrong individually they run fairly cool, you can touch them.