Flowamasta's Grow No.3 indica clone-harvest grow Journal! 1 PLANT!!! 600wattHPS


Well-Known Member
thanx man, i HATE plastic bongs, this is actually 4mm thick frosted pyrex, $84 she's an absolute beauty, and smooth as a slippery nipple

yeah man , thanx for your possitivity, i think she'll be fine, i would love to go 8 weeks with her, but we'll see how she looks inside after week 6, i forgot to flush last night, so i'm doing it this afternoon, fresh week 6 nutes, she'll love it, been drinkin like a fish, 15 litres a day, i'm topping it up every 2 days, and daily with 4 litres of ice
Really? It looks like it is plastic in the picture, my bad. Even better that it is pyrex glass! For $84 that is pretty good deal to me. Smoothness is the way to go.

Thats what Forum buddies are for cheers. Why are you stating you will love to go 8 weeks? Whats wrong with going that far into flower? That would produce so mad stuff by 8 to 9 weeks. I am aiming for 1.7 lb at harvest only if you go 8 to 9 weeks depending on the Trichs of course. 15 litres a day??? Shit that is like 3 gallons or so right? I am used to gallons so correct me if I am wrong about that. If she is drinking 3 gallons that is crazy! She sure loves her water heh.


Well-Known Member
Really? It looks like it is plastic in the picture, my bad. Even better that it is pyrex glass! For $84 that is pretty good deal to me. Smoothness is the way to go.

Thats what Forum buddies are for cheers. Why are you stating you will love to go 8 weeks? Whats wrong with going that far into flower? That would produce so mad stuff by 8 to 9 weeks. I am aiming for 1.7 lb at harvest only if you go 8 to 9 weeks depending on the Trichs of course. 15 litres a day??? Shit that is like 3 gallons or so right? I am used to gallons so correct me if I am wrong about that. If she is drinking 3 gallons that is crazy! She sure loves her water heh.
i'm limited on my flower time as i have inspection on 20th next month :), and i want to start my jack/skunk clone straight after i harvest, and yeah 15 litres is extreme, if i forget for 2 days she will run dry, i only use a 42 litre res, i would go bigger, but its an easy size to pick up when i flush.. yes 15 litres is 3.96 gallons. alot of it is evaporation dont forget, as the plant takes it up, it has to transpire or it wont grow, so the more the plant is transpiring, the more water she will need, like us humans i guess! Swell which i'm giving it now, will aid in holding moisture and increasing photosynthesis making the leaves appear darker because of their cell wall thickness, so she's ballancing out now, and getting fat, hopefully not growing seeds, but will know after end of next week, when i chop down a large cola
Thats going on my DearSanta list then! :)
Trust me, it's totally worth it. u wait till u try the zoom out!! it keeps going, and going! atleast test it at the shop. i did for 2 minutes and said 'righto put it in the bag'


Well-Known Member
i'm limited on my flower time as i have inspection on 20th next month :), and i want to start my jack/skunk clone straight after i harvest, and yeah 15 litres is extreme, if i forget for 2 days she will run dry, i only use a 42 litre res, i would go bigger, but its an easy size to pick up when i flush.. yes 15 litres is 3.96 gallons. alot of it is evaporation dont forget, as the plant takes it up, it has to transpire or it wont grow, so the more the plant is transpiring, the more water she will need, like us humans i guess! Swell which i'm giving it now, will aid in holding moisture and increasing photosynthesis making the leaves appear darker because of their cell wall thickness, so she's ballancing out now, and getting fat, hopefully not growing seeds, but will know after end of next week, when i chop down a large cola

Trust me, it's totally worth it. u wait till u try the zoom out!! it keeps going, and going! atleast test it at the shop. i did for 2 minutes and said 'righto put it in the bag'
Ahhh inspections. I hate those guys haha. I get them once a year. The good thing is that they don't check the bedrooms heh ;)


Active Member
Comin through with the macros like always flow! Almost 4 gallons a day? God damn. Good thing you only got one going...that's a lot on your water usage. Considering your frequent inspections I can only imagine how much harassment would come from abundant water usage ;-)


Well-Known Member
Ahhh inspections. I hate those guys haha. I get them once a year. The good thing is that they don't check the bedrooms heh ;)
yeah, damn them inspections! i usually just pull the fan and filter off, chuck it all in the tent, and turn the room into a music studio with keyboard, mic, guitars and amps, u name it, make the room less obvious, but i still cant have a flowering plant in there!!, maybe a young plant at best, with the window open, krankin incense! which is what i usually try to do, have it growing around 1 week before inspection to get atleast 4 weeks vegging, this grow i vegged for 35 days, she got plenty big enough, but didnt stretch as much as i'd hoped, maybe good thing anyway

Comin through with the macros like always flow! Almost 4 gallons a day? God damn. Good thing you only got one going...that's a lot on your water usage. Considering your frequent inspections I can only imagine how much harassment would come from abundant water usage ;-)
i thought it was normal honestly, maybe it has something to do with perlite being so light, it can evaporate very quickly, the room never gets more than 65% humidity though, as i got a window open, and blow the hot air out of the room via a pedastal fan, which also blows directly over my ballast.
I don't think that water usage will be a bad thing, only 2 of us here, its the nutes i'm pissed about, going through a shitload because of the plants drinkin issue ;)

got my florakleen so gave her her first flush with it yesterday, hope it makes a noticeable difference otherwise i wont buy it again, not that its been unflushed or bad tasting in the past, but i'd just like to see if it brings out the aromas more or something....i dunno....who gives really


Well-Known Member
Flower update day 36.... and i cooked up 9 grams of some quality outdoor nugs, and ended up with .66 of a gram of the finest quality golden/yellow hash oil i have made, just had to do it, only tried 1 small dob during the day, and i swear i nearly shat myself and spewed at the same time!! wow, when i was extracting it it didnt make barely any colour, i wasnt sure if it was dissolving the trichs, but boy did it ever, i only used 120ml of shelite, with the 9 grams of bud, if i wasnt soo damn lazy atm, i would show you what the buds look like after they have been cooked up, u can see a bit of stalk left, for further extraction later on sometime, but clearly i could see that it had knocked off most of the glandular trichs, and dissolved them, that seems to be where most of the oil production is anyway.....




Well-Known Member
Samsung WB150f very easy to use, and has FULL manual mode for complete custom shutter and aperture settings, and soo many modes i still havent gone through them all! camera was only $260
not bad at all man, going to have to look into getting one of those in the future

love the pic with the oil drop in the bowl, fucking sweet looking man. i wish i could make posters out of some of your pics, hahaha


Well-Known Member
Plants look great and that oil even better :) I love the big nugs all the way down at the bottom.
yeah thanx gas! , they have shot up in the last week or so, not as dense as the top heavier stuff ofcourse, but when they start to fatten up some more, the rest will be nice and ripe, i backed my UVB lamp off a few hrs, as i think the extra 3 degrees heat it makes is hindering slightly, so i got it going from 12 pm to 5 am, and normal lamp from 6pm to 6am

why thankyou Lordjin she is getting rather large now! having to support the net or my tent will topple over!! freakin out maaaaan!!

not bad at all man, going to have to look into getting one of those in the future

love the pic with the oil drop in the bowl, fucking sweet looking man. i wish i could make posters out of some of your pics, hahaha
send me an e-mail (pm) if u like, i can e-mail u a couple of full size pics, ive got a couple blown up down at rabbit photo ;) hehe the lady behind the counter must think im a knob if she knows what it is....duh walk in walk out never to be seen again!! these pics blow up real nice, even 12 x 8 inch is perfect


Well-Known Member
lol, thanx, short and sweet , here, have a gawk at my cleanest most see through golden yellow batch of Nugget oil, soo so so nice, 1 in the morning and i swear i am still munted....5 hrs later.....might just have a bingle now, i am sooo wasted as is, i just wanna have a toke!! knowin me i'll put another blob on and sleep like a baby.... oh bugger it. here goes.... i just can't stop playing with this shit......so sticky, stringy, thick like tree sap, nearly solid.....



Well-Known Member
Day 37 flower ..... Fuck this camera is sexy!!!! this is on super fine mode, which limits some options, but makes for some nice pics, let me know if you think they look better......



Well-Known Member
sorry haven't been around in a while been preoccupied with work and doing work on some of my cars eats up your time wow anyway's your baby is looking crazy i tried counting the heads and i got around 40 that is sick next time i think i really got to get a 600 this 1k is burning the shit outta my tops although they love the light hoping to get the 8 inch cool tube next week 100 bucks but well worth it here a pic of my things one bhutan thimpu and two jacks which are gettin drowned by the bhutan master lol


Well-Known Member
that bhutan is an unusual strain! thin leaves like blue dream but thinner! i would guess thats a very long plant to flower !? not much photosynthesis on those leaves!!!

nice work though! pics sidewayz !


Well-Known Member
Man that concentrate looks awesome man, i always love the amber stuff compared to the slime(green tint). And those buds look awesome man keep up the great work.

That camera mode look solid brother.
