FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, according to about 10 different threads a fee weeks back. Some skank he was shaggin dobbed him in or some bullshit. The guy's an absolute knob so it's funny!!

I think i have a couple of TGA's beans at home, no idea which ones they are though!


Well-Known Member
Some skank he was shaggin dobbed him in or some bullshit.
OK - I am an old fuck - I know what a skank is and I know what shaggin is, but what does "dobbed him in" mean?


Well-Known Member
You guys are funny :p

Day 13 veg for the indoor ;)

Hey peoples :) 12 more days for the indoor until flip!!!! not much time in my books, I included some instructional (basic) pics of my cloning method. I cloned the top off her last night, and don't think i'll get another opportunity top do so again, now i need her side branches to come up and show me what she can do!!! It won't be a waste of a clone i'm sure! plus i have cloned her again, and if she shows promising signs i'll keep her for another shot :)

Tools required : new sterile knife!! , cloning gel / powder either is personal choice ofcourse, i get 100% success with gel. 1 rockwool cube per clone. 1 sterile nail to poke hole in PRE-SOAKED AND SQUEEZED SOFT CUBE.

here she is in all her glory!!, aside from the heat stress from me forgetting to plug the light-hood fan on! no biggie, she got upto 35 degrees.... a good test for her none the less.

get the blade ready :) its snippity snip time. I also make small cuts at the base of the stem to help release some vital fluids that will help the root building process along. ( tested and approved by me. )

we all love to dip it in.............

then we dip it in..... again.... ahhhhhhh almost sexual. Well we are makin babies here after all.

notice the leaves i removed at the base, i do this to help the clone by not needing more energy than it requires for growing roots. The larger fans i will snip back so they weigh less and are less stress on the clone and require less misting.

Stand tall and proud :) let her spread her legs and grow some madussa arms!!!!

Ofcourse i couldn't forget my current prize and posession ;)

check the wood on her!!

and an aerial shot, but i couldn't quite get up there, i was high enough, and JUST had a brownie lol



Well-Known Member
She is definitely one beautiful specimen hey Shags ;)

Cheers for the pointers on cloning too Flowa, I do pretty much the same thing and have had a lot of success from it :) one question, do you believe that cutting the edges off the leaves hope them to root quicker? I personally don't do it but I'm wondering why I see it so often... If it works well then I might try it out too ;)

Cant wait to see your baby grow man, going to look awesome when done the Masta's way :D


Well-Known Member
Amazing lady u got there Flowa. I love outdoor, Gorgeous!!!!

Edit: I had to add this in. How the hell did you get her so big in such a small container? She must be running outta room by now lol.
Thanx shagz! she is a wonderful sight, i still can't believe i'm growing her in my backyard!!

I think i got her so big due to her early flowering which would of made a nice tight rootball with a mass of fine root hairs, and when daylight savings came in, she hit full veg mode, and during veg the roots grow fast but not thick, basically just tracer roots to hold ground, but during flowering is when they start to fill out and roots begin to fatten up and produce the fine root hairs that fill the pot. This is my guess anyway, i think she'd be pretty close to her limit in this pot, and showing absolutely NO signs of root bound, especially when i seen how perky she was in the sun today! I will have a good look when she's harvested, might surprise alot of us, she may only have filled half her pot..... but i doubt it.

Absolutely love how some of the colas in the centre of the plant are growing straight up vertical and look incredible, perfectly even structure, and about 10 nodes of bud sites on 1 cola!!!

Thinking over things more and more each day, i'm almost sure that the re-veg has given me a huuuuuuuge boost in growth, like she laid dormant until daylight savings, then WHOOOMMM!!! instant take off. she tripled in size in less than 3 weeks. Not normal. She most definitely outgrew my indoor in terms of size If i get 1.5 lb inside..... i'm freeeeeeakin.

She is definitely one beautiful specimen hey Shags ;)

Cheers for the pointers on cloning too Flowa, I do pretty much the same thing and have had a lot of success from it :) one question, do you believe that cutting the edges off the leaves hope them to root quicker? I personally don't do it but I'm wondering why I see it so often... If it works well then I might try it out too ;)

Cant wait to see your baby grow man, going to look awesome when done the Masta's way :D
No worries man :) and yes i actually tested this theory with 6 clones a small time ago, the 3 untouched were 3-4 days behind in regaining strength, vigor and roots. I also tested Gel vs Quality powder. Gel wins hands down. 10 days vs 16. Some growers will say they are trimming the leaves to fit them in closer together, which makes sense and could be handy if short for room, but there really isn't a need for a large clone if you don't have to worry about time or inspections. I try to get atleast a 2-3 week headstart, cause we know how us erb lovers tend to 'relax' when we blaze away and forget that we have something to do!

I can't wait either :p she is looking good, but slow......


Well-Known Member
Thanx shagz! she is a wonderful sight, i still can't believe i'm growing her in my backyard!!

I'm sure u won't get bothered over one plant. Not worth their time!!

On the clipping the clone leaf tips, as far as I remember it is to slow transpiration while they spend their energy producing roots. That being said, I'm oldskool n could just be stuck in my ways lol.

Btw, got my journal started. Didn't want to post the link in your journal, but said I'd mention it so u and a couple of your followers could check my hempy out :) Only in the starter phase, but started nonetheless. Peace!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanx shagz! she is a wonderful sight, i still can't believe i'm growing her in my backyard!!

I think i got her so big due to her early flowering which would of made a nice tight rootball with a mass of fine root hairs, and when daylight savings came in, she hit full veg mode, and during veg the roots grow fast but not thick, basically just tracer roots to hold ground, but during flowering is when they start to fill out and roots begin to fatten up and produce the fine root hairs that fill the pot. This is my guess anyway, i think she'd be pretty close to her limit in this pot, and showing absolutely NO signs of root bound, especially when i seen how perky she was in the sun today! I will have a good look when she's harvested, might surprise alot of us, she may only have filled half her pot..... but i doubt it.

Absolutely love how some of the colas in the centre of the plant are growing straight up vertical and look incredible, perfectly even structure, and about 10 nodes of bud sites on 1 cola!!!

Thinking over things more and more each day, i'm almost sure that the re-veg has given me a huuuuuuuge boost in growth, like she laid dormant until daylight savings, then WHOOOMMM!!! instant take off. she tripled in size in less than 3 weeks. Not normal. She most definitely outgrew my indoor in terms of size If i get 1.5 lb inside..... i'm freeeeeeakin.

No worries man :) and yes i actually tested this theory with 6 clones a small time ago, the 3 untouched were 3-4 days behind in regaining strength, vigor and roots. I also tested Gel vs Quality powder. Gel wins hands down. 10 days vs 16. Some growers will say they are trimming the leaves to fit them in closer together, which makes sense and could be handy if short for room, but there really isn't a need for a large clone if you don't have to worry about time or inspections. I try to get atleast a 2-3 week headstart, cause we know how us erb lovers tend to 'relax' when we blaze away and forget that we have something to do!

I can't wait either :p she is looking good, but slow......
Sweet as bro, will give it a go with my next lot of clones :) my current clone rooted in just 6 days so if i can cut that even further, wow that would be unreal! Totally agree with the gel too, ive had 100% success using gel but only about 75-80% using powder!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure u won't get bothered over one plant. Not worth their time!!

On the clipping the clone leaf tips, as far as I remember it is to slow transpiration while they spend their energy producing roots. That being said, I'm oldskool n could just be stuck in my ways lol.

Btw, got my journal started. Didn't want to post the link in your journal, but said I'd mention it so u and a couple of your followers could check my hempy out :) Only in the starter phase, but started nonetheless. Peace!!!!
Hey Shags, where might one find said journal? I'd like to check it out yo ;)


Well-Known Member
Thx for the interest ECMo :) As I said I just started it, so not much goin on atm. Added the link to my sig. Peace!!

Btw Flowa, didn't mean to not comment on your new lady, just your outdoory has me in aweeee :P Look forward to the new lady showing her stuff!! :)

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
7 is still 7 more than i have done, im going to do something a little like yours, just in a smaller area, its going to be a 600 in a closet that is only a bit bigger than the light fat harvests hopefully. I did pretty well last time, i got 8.5 ounces with a 400 so we will see


Well-Known Member
Hey flowa, do u run ur floralicious throughout ur entire grow??
Hey man, no i don't run it all throughout, i mainly use it through veg, and the beginning of flowering, after that the live bacteria will feast on itself and the plant will begin its final stages. It's quite long lasting, very potent humic acid.... just 10ml to my 40 litre res and she goes black and bubbly :) A good product i'm sure of, kicks cyco's uptake out of the game. It smells like pure vegemite :p gotta love that.

I don't see whay you couldn't run it the whole way through, but it helps with end flushing as its kinda like a detergent for the roots and will 'hang on' and help with oxygen retention because of the sticky bubbles that would attach themselves to the roots.

BTW ;) I Flipped last night!! Day 1 flowering tonight!! will update sometime tonight i'm busy in the 'out' garden wondering how the bloody hell i'm going to hold that massive plant up with all its mass of crazy fat branches! 1 lb outdoor here i come. It actually looks like it could be alot more, but i know not to get my hopes up too high :p pics shortly Beeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaauiful weather


Active Member
Thanks flowa! I didn't think u did but wanted to be sure. That outdoor is going crazy ay!? I'm still crazy about ur indoor!!! Thanks agin for the info.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, look forward to the update!!! :)
I forgot i set my lighting to 7-7 and fell asleep. Sorry PASSED out..... I will get a pic of the indoor tonight, but here is the outdoor :)

Thanks flowa! I didn't think u did but wanted to be sure. That outdoor is going crazy ay!? I'm still crazy about ur indoor!!! Thanks agin for the info.
No worries man! The indoor is currently getting flushed :)

Here is my current Gem :p isn't she just SEXY!!!??? LOOK AT ALL THEM HEADS!!!!!