Flower 24 days In what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need to axe some of those giant sucker leaves. Once that branch sprouts from the main stem and has a couple nodes. KILL THE FAN LEAF.

Most of us are growing inside with limited space. Shielding the undergrowth with fan leaves as big as your face never works.

Forget the BS about fan's being solar panels or whatever that bullshit is. The fan grows a shoot from the axis between itself and the main stalk. Once that shoot has established itself, KILL THE FAN.

Look up my previous posts/grows if you don't believe me.

I grew bagseed sativa straight up under T-12's for 5 years before I properly learned how to LST, supercrop, and PRUNE.

Don't be afraid, Slice and dice that fucker.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need to axe some of those giant sucker leaves. Once that branch sprouts from the main stem and has a couple nodes. KILL THE FAN LEAF.

Most of us are growing inside with limited space. Shielding the undergrowth with fan leaves as big as your face never works.

Forget the BS about fan's being solar panels or whatever that bullshit is. The fan grows a shoot from the axis between itself and the main stalk. Once that shoot has established itself, KILL THE FAN.

Look up my previous posts/grows if you don't believe me.

I grew bagseed sativa straight up under T-12's for 5 years before I properly learned how to LST, supercrop, and PRUNE.

Don't be afraid, Slice and dice that fucker.


Swisher Sweet

Active Member
To be honest i have been a bit afraid of messing with the plant. I have had great quality but know my yields could be larger and lower buds could be riper.I do take lowe branches and obviously dead leaves. Just recently started taking leaves yellowing a bit earlier. I want to make sure if I prune I do it right. I certainly agree the fans shade the lower plant. Let me make sure I am clarify where the axis is located? Are you saying another branch shoots from the branch between the main stalk and the fan leave and once formed you can remove the outside fan leaf? Am I making sense-maybe not?


Active Member
what strain is that, im on my second grow first was ice berry and this one is prple deisel and both at 24 days were barley flowering, ice berry was frog soil with advnced nutrients under a 1000 hps and this run is same soil and lights but swtched to eco grow and eco bloom cause sombody on here showed there plants at like a month and the buds look like beer cans.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
If you open the pics by clicking on them they are labeled. By day 24 you should be in full flower with most any strain.


i agree, trimming would benefit your grow. i would suggest taking the large fan leaves along the main stalk and trimming the leaves in HALF horizontally. this increases light going to the lower shoots while maintaining the leaves' integrity. i do agree with the other posts the plant does not need the leaves once the shoots are grown but chopping them clean off would greatly increase SHOCK to the plant slowing down growth.