Flower/bloom question

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
First time grower and my eyes aren't what they once were.
Are these the start of some buds?
Day 14 of 12/12 lighting,
240w Led + 4 T5ho
dwc 5 gallon buckets
GH Flora nutes
AK47, White Russian & Northern Lights

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
No, you should have some by now tho...
I would appreciate any thoughts about why they haven't shown any signs of flower yet.
I am pretty certain there are no light leaks.
The tent is in a storage area with no windows/outside doors and all lights in there have been removed.



Well-Known Member
Yes they are, looks about right for 14 days into 12/12..

Here's one from my previous grow at 14 days 12/12

Since you're growing with LED it will be slightly slower in growth.

And 5 weeks later...