Real need for some cbd bud so these can't come fast enough after the cannatonic showed signs of male flowers.Had to take them down with them been so early into flowering,i would not normally have done that,but had to because of the main crop was at the side of it.Could not afford to get those pollinated,it was hard because they looked so well.But shit happens.I will run it again at some point though,But i am looking forward to the dinamed cbd and the og kush i have been smoking i found a bean in that,so that will also be getting grown up to around 12 inch then flowered outside.The bloody weather decides to change from great hot days with good sun ,to over cast heavy rain,just has my wedding cake x Cheese decides to flower.So i'm hoping it comes out ok ,i would be bringing it back inside,but there are greenfly on it ,there not causing no damage atm.I have put some netting over it,with about 4 common garden spiders on it ,i watched over past two days .And they are eating there way through them .But its to risky bringing it indoors,I only have one bean left to get a better tap root on and that is the franco's the others are all ready to hit soil ,but gonna leave them until tomorrow.Then plant them,and get that cob up and running in tent to give them more light.The light is way to high in the main veg unit i made.So a hell of a a lot going on atm,i have outdoor plants that need some work doing to them ,just tying down,now there getting taller than the surrounding heather,they seem to love the conditions,but i aint been to see them in over a week,no need with the rain we have had .