Flowering, about 5-6 days in... can YOU tell the sex? Please help!!!


Well-Known Member
Taken just a few moments ago, it was in it's sleep mode - had to wake "it" up for a couple photo shots for yall though... please someone give me some input! I wanna :joint:

Thanks in advanced!!!



Well-Known Member
once the white pistils start coming up from those nodes you'll know...I dont see any yet ;)


Active Member
wait till it's actually in flower to make another one of these threads. just my advice from a fellow newbie.


Well-Known Member
Just what I was thinking, you disturb it too much it will revert back to veg, could also go hermie on you...
I only disturbed it for 2 mins tops, the lights had just cut off 10 minutes earlier. I wanted to post some pictures for you all, I got home at 510 pm, the plant goes in to dark cycle at 5 pm exactly. Non the less, this will be the only time that it ever gets disturbed throughout it's flowering stage again. I was just doing it to make this thread, to see if anyone could point out if it was a boy or girl. Thank you for the heads up though!
So these are not pre flowers, these are just the nodes where the preflowers will start to show? From googleing male and female preflowers, or flowers it shows me that this is pretty much going to be a female. At least from the pictures I see. Does this assumption seem correct? All of the pictures I saw in pre flower and flower that were males had straight ballls on them, I do not see any balls on mine whatsoever!

Sorry for posting so much, it just seems like I don't get any answers and by the time the days out my post is all the way in the back of the threads on like page 6! I'm just a stoner with an old old plant, I would just want to know what it is so I can know what to expect!

2 questions. 1 being, these nodes were not here until I started flowering is this the way it usually goes? And secondly what is a hermie?! Hey boy/ girl plant?! And what the hell do they produce, buds or pollen? ?


Well-Known Member
cant tell yet but sick camera!
And thank you, just n old 8mp Canon. Bought it from the flea market yesterday for 15 bucks! They sell online all day for 100 +! Anyways, wait until I get my new nikon camera for christmas, then you'll see some bad ass pictures! This is only a 8x zoom, new one will be 14mp and 34x zoom!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't even know what that means
It means he is used to working with really shit genetics if 2 minutes with a light on will hermie the crop (cause a female to go hermaphrodite and polinate itse;f and others). If you're using good genetics it takes a good deal more than that.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well if it's any kind of help (i tend just to be a one of a kind happy go lucky skip) i abuse the crap out of all of my plants, flash cameras on em at all ties, you name it, and i've never had a hermie as a result.


Well-Known Member
ITS A GIRL!!!! And I just heard that foreal from my GF as well, lol. Anyways, buds to come.... will start new thread for my flowering stage, "cuz I just don't give a fuuuuck!" - Eminem aka The Greatest
