flowering? am i screwed?

today my plant had sprouted white hairs around the new growth. is it flowering? any chance of it reveg'ing? im in socal and the days are at about 13hrs of light.

the first pic is a few days before



Active Member
yeah it's flowering...it's too early to put them out without supplemental lighting...

it's looks droopy like it's been over watered...

i would just start over at this point if you can just buy another clone...

if not pinch off the flowers...and let the soil dry out...

good luck!
Yes flowering. But, it looks sickly. I have a few babies starting out that look similar(no root growth/ no vert growth). If you would like it to end well, I'd start over. :(


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't toss it. It is a learning experience. Try giving it better light if possible and slow down the water. I would tie that baby down and try a little LST on it. What have you got to lose, and you might learn something that will help you with the next round. Everyone has to start somewhere. At least it's a female!


let the soil dry out for a week,socal humidity this time of year is up there,plus looks like its been in a shady spot,just let it grow itll re veg and then youll be suprised,plant do everything they can to survive even in the wrong conditions


Well-Known Member
Definitely don't toss it!
In years past when we'd have an early spring, I've put my kids outside earlier than norm, only to have them stop growing- just stop. Then, they take on a flowering stage appearance because of the light cycle still being short. Sometimes they'll show enough to easily sex them, thus allowing me to remove any visible males.
As the light cycle increases, they will return to a vegetative state after a couple/few weeks, and grow pretty normal troughout the rest of their life cycle. This can stunt them a little bit, and it can increase the likelyhood of hermies. Just have to keep an eye on them when they flower.
This has been my personnal experience with "early bloomers".
Good Luck

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't toss it. It is a learning experience. Try giving it better light if possible and slow down the water. I would tie that baby down and try a little LST on it. What have you got to lose, and you might learn something that will help you with the next round. Everyone has to start somewhere. At least it's a female!
Definitely don't toss it!
In years past when we'd have an early spring, I've put my kids outside earlier than norm, only to have them stop growing- just stop. Then, they take on a flowering stage appearance because of the light cycle still being short. Sometimes they'll show enough to easily sex them, thus allowing me to remove any visible males.
As the light cycle increases, they will return to a vegetative state after a couple/few weeks, and grow pretty normal troughout the rest of their life cycle. This can stunt them a little bit, and it can increase the likelyhood of hermies. Just have to keep an eye on them when they flower.
This has been my personnal experience with "early bloomers".
Good Luck

Voices of reason!!
ive made sure to let it dry out before waters. ive also got it under some basic cfl lights(2 26 watts and a 300w equiv) a few extra hours, so with sunlight and the lights it gets about 18/6. there is a bunch of new growth, but cant tell if its veg or flower. ill post pics later. thanks everyone for the help so far

Po boy

Well-Known Member
how old are they ? definately need more light. put them in full sunlight with a good watering and nute routine. GL


Well-Known Member
Oh its a stressed clone. That makes sense. I got confused because I'm in Cali and I always put my plants outside around this time and they don't start to flower. Luckily the season is so early, you got plenty of time to give it the proper care it needs.

By chance can you take it inside? When I get sick plants, I put them inside under 24 hour lighting. 18/6 is better for overall growth, but 24 hour lighting does wonders on sick plants. If you can put them inside, you can even do a light topping to encourage branching.

By chance can you take it inside? When I get sick plants, I put them inside under 24 hour lighting. 18/6 is better for overall growth, but 24 hour lighting does wonders on sick plants. If you can put them inside, you can even do a light topping to encourage branching.
I can, but the lighting is makeshift with lamps from target. I've been putting it out and bringing it in under lights for a few hours.
.... keep it outside now. once the plant detects that the photoperiod is ASCENDING (adding minutes each day) it will start to veg again.

I speak from years of outdoor growing experience.
thanks for the advice! thats some good news, i am expecting a few overcast days head. should i wait til it clears up?


Active Member
no light better than the sun even if its overcast. not to mention co2 outside is extremely higher. put it outside. i have a blueberry gum I put out a little early this year topped it and going to have 4 main colas and now 24 inches tall. started to flower a couple weeks ago but is now in revegging. mine looks top notch tho, no problems/ healthy as can be.


Well-Known Member
no light better than the sun even if its overcast. not to mention co2 outside is extremely higher. put it outside. i have a blueberry gum I put out a little early this year topped it and going to have 4 main colas and now 24 inches tall. started to flower a couple weeks ago but is now in revegging. mine looks top notch tho, no problems/ healthy as can be.
truth right here


Well-Known Member
Mine started flowering early too. I know a lot of veterans roll their eyes at guys like us but if you're anything like me, you're just excited that the sun is out! Here's how I I'm forcing her into thinking its summer.

By biggs34 at 2012-04-23