Flowering - Canna Terra & Molasses - Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Ok, so we tried the 36 hours of darkness before flowering;


and its almost the end of our first week. I purchased a few jars of Meridians finest Blackstrap Molasses.

I have searched the forum and wondering whats best method of using molasses. When switching to 12/12 I also switched to Canna Terra...

So far I have found 1 tablespoon of molasses into 4 gallons of water...is that with or without nuts? Ie
1) Each watering switch between molasses and canna terra
2) both together

I also read that towards then end of flowering i stop using nuts and can continue using molasses since its not a chemical?



New Member
Is this a hydro or soil grow? For soil most people say 1 tlb spoon per gal. I use one tsp per gal myself but I give it to my growing in soil plant with every watering. I feed every other watering using GH three part. (its all I have to use) For my hrdro gals I only use 1 tsp per 5 gal and GH three part. I dont know if that is enought to do any good but the one hydro gal I started it with is much farther along growing buds then the other girls I flowered at the same time with out the molasses. Now I have all my girls on it and bam they all started growing bud like crazy. Two days before my next flush Ill add one tsp per gal. Then go back to one tsp per 5 gal after the flush. For my ebb and flow with airstones this seems to be good for other hydro systems not so good I think?


Well-Known Member
ahhhh sorry Merlin...you must of replied just before I did my 2nd post!

Yeah, its a soil grow.

So you do one of each, i think thats what most people do...I wonder what harm would be done if I used both? Hmmm but is it worth the risk? Maybe I will pick one of them as a "test" and give both to her...since they are similar in size I will see if i can spot a diff?

You notice any bugs in your room since using molasses? Sorry for all the questions...there is so many different sides to a story...im just trying to make a calculated risk.

Cheers again


New Member
ahhhh sorry Merlin...you must of replied just before I did my 2nd post!

Yeah, its a soil grow.

So you do one of each, i think thats what most people do...I wonder what harm would be done if I used both? Hmmm but is it worth the risk? Maybe I will pick one of them as a "test" and give both to her...since they are similar in size I will see if i can spot a diff?

You notice any bugs in your room since using molasses? Sorry for all the questions...there is so many different sides to a story...im just trying to make a calculated risk.

Cheers again

I add the molasses to my water before I mix in the GH three part then I adjust the PH. Every other watering I just use the molasses. I have no problems at all mixing the molasses and the GH together they get along fine together. I manly do hydro, just one plant in soil in my bud room so I have no problems with bugs at all.


Well-Known Member
I add the molasses to my water before I mix in the GH three part then I adjust the PH. Every other watering I just use the molasses. I have no problems at all mixing the molasses and the GH together they get along fine together. I manly do hydro, just one plant in soil in my bud room so I have no problems with bugs at all.

nice one, i just wanted to make sure it was ok to use both at once. I read that every 2nd watering just use nuts cause it breaks down the build up of molasses? dont know how true that is.

you say you use a water stone, is that just for hydro? would it be good to do that in soil? I have a large 14 litre watering cam which i mix all nuts in...i could mix in the molasses + nuts then leave an airstone in it (if it helps that is)
