Flowering: CFLs vs. 150 watt HPS?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I've been thinking about the different lighting options and I can't decide what I want to go with. Should I go with 4- 2700K 42watt (actual, not equivalent) CFLs (168 watts total) or go with a 150 watt HPS system. I'm having trouble deciding if its worth the extra money to get the HPS light or should I not waste my time with anything below 250watts when it comes to HPS. What do you guys think!? + rep for any suggestions. Thanks in advance:bigjoint:


Active Member
Do both, no reason for being cheap. The extra buds will probably compensate for the extra investment ;) HPS on top, CFL on sides, and you'll get much larger side buds than before.


Well-Known Member
yeaaa, I was gonna sa ythe same thing.. get the 150 watt HPS.. and throw a few cfl's along the side... HPS works great... But.. the light only really hits the TOP of the plant... leaving the side and bottom of the plants in the dark... and thats where CFL's have an advantage (besides the fact that CFL's are wayyyyyy cheaper to run) you can place CFL's all around your plant, adn make sure every part has light. I used 10 CFL's on my plant.. had a total of 330 watts.. and the plant turned out AWESOME!! pulled 3.15 ounces DRY off her.. the link is in my signature.. you can check it out if you want...

If it has to be one of the other... I would go with CFL's honestly... but jusy try to get 1 more CFL.. and Have one of the top.. and then 1 on each side.. adn just make sure the CFL's are about 1-2 inches away from the plant... you'll be happy with your outcome. I know I was!


Well-Known Member
Ive been in the same boat before and let me tell you, Even though the HPS was a tiny 150 watt helps way more than you think it would.

I had 4 - 42 watt CFLs for my first grow to flower with and the buds were super fluffy and airy. I got like a dime sack off my 1 plant (shitty soil, no nutes, and no RIU) Then next round i had added a 150 watt HPS light on top and used the CFLs as side lighting and man it was like a revelation lol. Just adding that light on my 2nd grow i got a few grams shy of a Half ounce from a single plant. It was from the same batch of seeds so i know strain wasnt the big factor(pheno maybe.) So i say definintly spring for the extra HPS and just use CFLs as side lighting and within a grow or two it will easily pay for itself and you will be way happier.

But now a few years and grows later i wont go any lower than a 400 watter for sure. I dont see the point in getting anything smaller cause your just gonna have to keep upgrading to a bigger one every time you get sick of your tiny yield, which in turn is gonna cost more.


Active Member
ya man, i run a 150w hps with 3 26w cfl's.. max out your lighting until you hit your heat max.. hps is more efficient at producing lumens than cfl, so use the biggest HID you can and fill in with cfls :D
dam, ive been looking EVERYWHERE and the cheapest 150 hps setup i can find is around 100 incl shipping, anybody know a good place to grip a cheap setup?? any info would be greatly appreciated