Flowering Claw Leaf


Well-Known Member
I have 3 ladies about a month old and since they had already shown sex and they where big enough I decided to go to flowering stage, the claw leaf appeared shortly after that and is now spreading.
The only condition I drastically changed was the light, I was using 400 watt reflector for vegetative and now I am using 6 individual lights (in the photos) with a lot less heat production, still they have the appropriate quantity of lumens in the correct light specter and the heat shouldn t be a problem since it s spring where I live.
Thx for reading, cheers!


Well-Known Member
My guess would be that they are a tad overfed, next watering just use plain water with no food added. No sense in flushing cause its just gonna fuck with the plant. Plain water then feed after that and you should be good


Well-Known Member
could be a number of things...I'd lean towards overwatering/inadequate drainage/salt buildup or some type of combination of those possibilities...can you elaborate a bit as to what your growing conditions are like? PH of soil/water/etc, PPM of nutrients used, what type/etc/etc


hell yea thanks for this post i got same issue but in week 2 of flower think i got same issue got a xxx girl


Well-Known Member
I am going with overfeeding for now, it s just the top of the plants the rest is lush and happy so won t be a big deal if I stop feeding them for a week or two.
As for DohioMAN´s plants the problem seems to be spreading trough all the plant and I am not quite certain if its the same issue, I am posting some photos of my whole plants so you can compare, but plse someone answer him properly, Thx a lot !!!


thanks man very kind words thts cool an mine looks like urs does jus about an thts wat i was leaning towards an there doing better

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Glad mine do not look like yours........ I am totally at a loss on where to start. But first off learn how to control your plants so they do not rap around the lights. I am sure you know you need better light, but still keep them away from the lights. Maybe try and get a T-5 ot T-8 or something,,, at least. You are about as Ghetto as they get. I have grown a two plant crop with nothing but CFL's and got some dank bud. But for flowering, go to home depot and get the 64/300 watt Soft watt CFL's. With 3 of these in flower I got real nice buds from two plants. But nothing like you would get from a 600 watt HPS.


Active Member
one time i had a tangerine strain that looked like that,it didnt even get any nutes,but it looked like that through out the whole grow..funny thing though.it still produced buds but they were very dry and burnt looking/smelling,didnt seem to have much THC on em at all and small buds..and it was only that plant..


Well-Known Member
Glad for you DohioMAN!!! I have been giving them plain water for a bit longer than a week and claw leaf persists, I think I am gonna stop on N (I was using a 30%) since the plants are big and lush enough to endure flowering, there´s humus on the soil and flowering nuts have a bit of N on them. If someone thinks this is related to other causes plse do tell I am posting a very clear image of the prob along with one of the whole grow. Thx a lot !


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't cut your N out completely.. I don't know man, those look pretty good. Doesn't look like too much nitrogen to me