Flowering, do i change nute & water ?

Hi all so my plants starting to flower and i was wondering if i had to change the water & nute schedule.
I know i have to change the nutes to more phospurus and potassium so i got some of that but with the watering do i give it more water or less. And also do i give it more flowering fert as well ?
Currently im growing outdoors its pretty hot and dry where i live average during the day is around 26 degrees and i get about 14 hours of sunlight. I give it water everyday and i give ferts every second watering so is that too much ? Because the instructions at the back says give it once 2 weeks but i went with every 2-3 days and my plant seemed to be healthy. Soo yea any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
The only real difference you may notice is that it will possibly need more watering/feeding during flower. The plant uses more energy creating the flowers than it does just leaves. Keep an eye on it for a few and see how things look. The plant will tell you if it needs more water or less, same with ferts.