Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS


Active Member
thanks guys, i have one more in the flowering stage, but it's the one i didn't top, so it's going to have the smallest yield... it was too early to get any legit smoking materials from either of the plants unfortunately... want to buy some good genetics soon, do you guys have any good suggestions?


Active Member
I agree with the rest. Too many nutrients. Flush with clear water and cross your fingers but they look like they are already burnt.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i have one more in the flowering stage, but it's the one i didn't top, so it's going to have the smallest yield... it was too early to get any legit smoking materials from either of the plants unfortunately... want to buy some good genetics soon, do you guys have any good suggestions?

BCseedKing.com!! My seeds arrived crushed and they resent them. Got both 6 days after shipment confirmation

:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
Don't buy from the DOC!!!!! He sells old garabage seeds. I spent $200 with him, and got 2 germinated ot of 25, and they are weak as hell!!!! I germed 25 from a friend at the same time and all 25 sprouted, so it's not me! The Doc won't return emails, he will if u are buying something but if you have a problem he leaves u in a fucked up situation!


Well-Known Member
:( It looks like a bunch of things. Nute burn, light burn, heat, magnesium deficiency, and possible pesticide burn. This makes me sad.


Well-Known Member
She's still alive. Maybe you should just feed her water from the store for a while and see if she perks up.

If you use humic acid that might help digest all that stuff quickly.


Well-Known Member
I use FF nutes full strength, exactly as the feeding table suggests, with no ec/ph issues. i start at 1/4 strength, and work em up from there.

You said you have gnats. Healthy soil grows shouldn't experience these fuckers. I have experienced fungus gnats more than once. Overwatering is the biggest reason. You should be letting the soil dry out almost completely before each watering, and emptying any standing water collecting from your drainage. this alone prevents gnat infestations as they prefer moist topsoil. proper watering should leave very little drainage anyway. use a measuring cup to monitor just how much each plant needs before it starts barely dripping out of the bottom. This practice has saved me a lot of money on nutrients over the years.

another way people "overwater" is by having plants in containers too large for their root mass. this is typical after transplanting to bigger pots. what this does is leave more water in your soil that the plant won't get to. this water compacts the soil, making it even less likely to dry properly between waterings, and harder for the roots to penetrate when the finally do grow to those areas.

Overwatering causes more than just gnats. Soil that has been habitually overwatered usually becomes very acidic, and exhibits poor drainage- making it easier to "overwater" again and again. This can also cause root rot, which makes this cycle even more difficult to interrupt.

Overwatering isn't really that you are giving your plant too much water, it is the process of displacing too much air in your growing medium, suffocating the roots of your plant and ruining the drainage potential of your soil.
A good way to describe this is this:
You could take any of my plants on watering day, and water them with 2-3 times the container's size of water (flushing). Excess water will drain, and a week later you could water them again with no ill effect. Now if you watered that same plant again the very next day, you would most likely interrupt that drying process, and cause overwatering symptoms to develop. Continue to water before the soil has dried and aerated, and you're gonna get fungus gnats, sick plants, and irreparable soil.

anyhoo- overwatering causes all kinds of fucked off shit to happen. You get nutrient lockouts, hotspots, salt buildup, root damage, and all kinds of other fucked up shit.

Always start with good soil, and make sure it's got 1/3 mix of perlite even if you have to mix it in yourself. drainage is your friend.


Active Member
I use FF nutes full strength, exactly as the feeding table suggests, with no ec/ph issues. i start at 1/4 strength, and work em up from there.

You said you have gnats. Healthy soil grows shouldn't experience these fuckers. I have experienced fungus gnats more than once. Overwatering is the biggest reason. You should be letting the soil dry out almost completely before each watering, and emptying any standing water collecting from your drainage. this alone prevents gnat infestations as they prefer moist topsoil. proper watering should leave very little drainage anyway. use a measuring cup to monitor just how much each plant needs before it starts barely dripping out of the bottom. This practice has saved me a lot of money on nutrients over the years.

another way people "overwater" is by having plants in containers too large for their root mass. this is typical after transplanting to bigger pots. what this does is leave more water in your soil that the plant won't get to. this water compacts the soil, making it even less likely to dry properly between waterings, and harder for the roots to penetrate when the finally do grow to those areas.

Overwatering causes more than just gnats. Soil that has been habitually overwatered usually becomes very acidic, and exhibits poor drainage- making it easier to "overwater" again and again. This can also cause root rot, which makes this cycle even more difficult to interrupt.

Overwatering isn't really that you are giving your plant too much water, it is the process of displacing too much air in your growing medium, suffocating the roots of your plant and ruining the drainage potential of your soil.
A good way to describe this is this:
You could take any of my plants on watering day, and water them with 2-3 times the container's size of water (flushing). Excess water will drain, and a week later you could water them again with no ill effect. Now if you watered that same plant again the very next day, you would most likely interrupt that drying process, and cause overwatering symptoms to develop. Continue to water before the soil has dried and aerated, and you're gonna get fungus gnats, sick plants, and irreparable soil.

anyhoo- overwatering causes all kinds of fucked off shit to happen. You get nutrient lockouts, hotspots, salt buildup, root damage, and all kinds of other fucked up shit.

Always start with good soil, and make sure it's got 1/3 mix of perlite even if you have to mix it in yourself. drainage is your friend.
Great information!! i'm DEFINITELY over watering, and when you throw nutes into the mix it's a recipe for disaster... i'm also using the MG organic soil with NO perlite... just sticks and bark... think the fox farm ocean forest soil is worth investing in? and a big bag of perlite?


Well-Known Member
Great information!! i'm DEFINITELY over watering, and when you throw nutes into the mix it's a recipe for disaster... i'm also using the MG organic soil with NO perlite... just sticks and bark... think the fox farm ocean forest soil is worth investing in? and a big bag of perlite?
honestly, i think the ocean forest soil is great but overrated. I use my local nursery's white bag organic soil, mix in 1/3 perlite, and i get a lot more for my $$. I use nutrient solutions in my feedings anyway, so i don't really want too many extra ferts in the soil.

People here will give u shit about the MG soil, but plenty of happy tokers have reaped the benefits of MG's research and competitive pricing. I don't like em cuz they all contain time release fertilizer, and it's not the right food for MJ.

I would consider re-potting if you weren't already flowering. If it were my grow, i might even re-pot anyway. Lack of perlite in a soil such as MG Organic is bad news. You will have drainage and oxygen issues, and acidic soil. you will also not be able to properly flush the ferts out of the soil at the end of flowering, which seriously affects the flavor of your smoke.

I've used hydrogen peroxide solutions to help with overwatered plants before, but this can damage a plant. The h202 readily releases it's extra oxygen atom, which combine with each other creating 02 and h20, thus helping to aerate the roots. some plants like it, some don't. I've never found a magic dosage on this one, and i'm still experimenting with it here and there, but i don't have the chance to try it very often anymore.


Active Member
thanks for the info... i'm going to repot all of my plants vegging... this soil is such bad news, i hope it doesn't mess with my one plant left flowering


Well-Known Member
All that being said you shoulnt ever overlook your PH, I am not a pro but I call nute lock up with nute burn afterwards trying to correct, Always watch PH the test kits are cheap...belive me I've been there


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow organic choice potting soil
No idea the pH of my tap water
Fox farm nutes, grow big every day, tiger bloom and grow big combo every other day.
Flowering time: 24 days...
Had a nat fly infestation for about a month, been putting sand on the top soil but it gets washed down into it with every watering causing the nat flies to re-infest. I've been flowering under CFLs, a little over 200 watts until my 150 watt HPS comes today... hopefully that'll bring them back to life... Okay, so i think it might be nute lockup due to the fact that there's so much acidic sand in the soil. Maybe the pH of my soil has gone up causing the lock up... other's also might say it's a potassium deficiency... thought i'd ask the friendly people at roll it up. :)

Thanks in advance.

PS, this all happend over night, this is day 2, been using nothing but water since
I am no expert, but I have some nute burn with FoxFarm Big Bloom. I was not following their directions and feeding every other watering. I went from 2T/gal to 4T/gal over a couple of weeks, then I gave a "Heavy feeding" using 3oz/gal which is still less than the recommended "weekly feeding" of 4oz/gal I think the "every watering" amt (2-4T/gal for big bloom) should be used weekly, or better yet as I was told by HotNSexyMilf, to feed when plants ask for it by maybe turning a lighter shade of green. especially if using rich soil, they probably don't need much feeding at all for a month or two maybe even. If it is from nute burn, expect it to progress up the plant over the next few days, or at least mine did. I found this thread trying to figure out if I should trim off all the leaves which are burnt, not that their are many left. I also did a flush (good or bad I don't know) I would think pH would be pretty important unless you have naturally soft water. When I have used Fox Farm, the pH goes up and most tap is above 7.0 But I am new and have f-up pretty good lately so take it for what it's worth.

Anyway good luck! I hope they get well soon!


Well-Known Member
As for the pH and MG soil, I don't know about the organic mg, but in SeeMore Buds "Marijuana Buds For Less" he uses MG soil that has a low pH (5.1) so waters at 7.4. Maybe this is why you have gotten away with not knowing the pH of your water?