Flowering! How is she looking? and how long left?

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, This is week 2 of flowering, Does she look ok? and is she about the right size? Also how long roughly do you think she will take? I'm not rushing her or anything I am just interested, as she's been growing like crazy :L Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Judging by some of my grows, this looks like a balanced indica/sativa strain. Around 50% of each, give or take 10% either way I think. Depending on your lights, this will probably take 63-80 days of 12/12 to finish. I'd say closer to 70.


Well-Known Member
Why do you have tin foil or type material around your plant are you trying to reflect like too it? Because I doubt your doing anything but reflecting it away with that


Well-Known Member
Not bad, better than most of the first time grows I've seen here. I'd say another 5 weeks minimum.