Flowering Issues...


Active Member
What reasons would contribute to one OUTDOORS largish plant (4-5ft) showing only a couple of pistils at bud sites where as another much much smaller plant (1 ft) shows more developed flowers (little 1-2 cm clusters of pistils/buds) whre they are both in the same location recieving basically the same amount of sunlight?

Nutrient issue?

Factor of size?


Well-Known Member
also a lil plants dosent have to proudcue as much flowers as its small when the big plants takes muhc longer to bud, common sense comes into play also


Active Member
same strain, and this isnt common sense for me i would have no clue whether a small plant would develop flowers sooner than a bigger plant.............


Well-Known Member
same strain, and this isnt common sense for me i would have no clue whether a small plant would develop flowers sooner than a bigger plant.............
they may be the same strain, but different phenotypes of the same strain, sometimes show many different traits.


Active Member

i might add at the time when they both started showing sex i tied down the larger one and it drooped for a few days due to stress i believe of tieing down