Flowering Large Plant


Active Member
I am moving, and I sadly can't move mom along with me.

Mom is now 5' 7" tall and very bushy (about 2' 6" wide from base to top). My one 450 HPS will do the trick, but any ideas on how to make her bud the best?

I'm not messing with buying anything else, so more light is out of the question. I currently have a lot of space (an entire 13' x 15' room with blacked-out windows could be used) to do this, and I have three 4' dual flourescent fixtures. I was planning on putting all three flourescents standing up around her and the HPS above. I will then hook all four into a power strip and the power strip into the timer to turn all on and off on 12/12.

Anyone flowered this big of a girl? Ideas?

Sad day, but it will be a happy one when she gives me an elbow of sweet mary jane.


Well-Known Member
no but shes going to explode in size shes as tall as me fuck haha im going to folloow and see what your harvest is and quality how old is she?...


Well-Known Member
You need to look up how to pinch and roll the stems between your fingers so she'll lay down and you can get strong light to the whole thing. If you don't figure out a way to lay it down and pack it tight under that light you'll really just get mostly fluff from it and good bud just on the very top. Too big a plant to grow standing up under that light. Try to get it down to a 2' tall plant that looks like a scrog and then the whole thing will put out like mad. I'm talking close to a pound if not more.


Well-Known Member
hang on now his plant is old and the stalk is probably going to be like wood it might be to late but then again i cant say as i havnt ventured that far into growing but yea that is an exdfcellent way to get some good bud and yeild cehck out in the faq's lst)low stress training) it may work for you may not but congrats on getting her that big!!!!


Active Member
no but shes going to explode in size shes as tall as me fuck haha im going to folloow and see what your harvest is and quality how old is she?...
Really funny/lucky story. I don't really smoke that much; a 1/4 lasts me two months. I had a really good bag of weed that we had been getting off the same guy for a couple years, and one bag had one seed in it. I asked a buddy about growing, so I threw the one seed in a wet paper towel, and it germinated. I then put it in a cup full of dirt (yea, just got dirt from the back yard). I sat it in the window, and it sprouted. At this point I thought it might actually grow. This was last April, so I sat it outside every morning for the entire day, and after about a month it grew. I then found this web site and followed the basic steps to get her big and clone her. What luck though ey? One seed, it sprouted, turned out to be a girl, and grew real big and strong!

Sad to see her go, but we're all proud of her.


Active Member
You need to look up how to pinch and roll the stems between your fingers so she'll lay down and you can get strong light to the whole thing. If you don't figure out a way to lay it down and pack it tight under that light you'll really just get mostly fluff from it and good bud just on the very top. Too big a plant to grow standing up under that light. Try to get it down to a 2' tall plant that looks like a scrog and then the whole thing will put out like mad. I'm talking close to a pound if not more.
I'm sure you can appreciate the sentimental value I have with mom; she's been with me since the begining. So I don't want to chop her in half. That being said, I like you're idea. Do you think I could root the top half of her and have two 2 1/2' plants? The trunk of the plant/tree is about 2" thick.

Has anyone cloned a really thick stem? What's the largest you've cloned?


Well-Known Member
i would tie over all the tall branches to the pot to make her as short as possible and spread her out. then cut off all the bottom 1/3 or so branches and put all those lights on top.


Active Member
i would tie over all the tall branches to the pot to make her as short as possible and spread her out. then cut off all the bottom 1/3 or so branches and put all those lights on top.
Thanks for the input; I appreciate the input!

I'll probably post a picture at some point (still a little paranoid), but she is a big bush, all the branches are really big and the pot is a 5 gallon bucket. There really is no way to tie down her branches unless I secure them to the wall (which I could do). Cutting off the bottom 1/3 of her might kill her - that's a lot of branches. At the least it will stunt growth for a few weeks (I've done this before when she was younger, and it was a sad couple weeks for us).

I might try this:

The HPS is on a chain that I can easily adjust the height and orientation. I might cycle the light on a five day rotation. Day 1, light on top, Day 2 - 5 on each of the four sides of her. On the other sides will be the flourescent light on the days the HPS isn't there.

It might take 12 weeks to flower properly, but that might help in getting her to flower.

Another option:
Flower the top, harvest. Flower the new top, harvest. Flower the new top, harvest. Keep doing this until I get good bud from the entire plant. I did this on my last plant to a lesser degree and it worked well. I just don't know how long you can do this before the plant croaks or quits developing quality bud.


Well-Known Member
i have neaver heard of that sounds cool go to your local hydro store if avalibe and ask about that cutting in half thast a big one take a lot of tlc!!!! but lst is going to most definalty be your best bet and you dont want to cu t off thsoe big leaves thats whwat absorbs light to make food you need as many as you can save for a plant that big shes going to just serioulsy get even bushier one you flower another alternaative i knwo you dont want to spend moeny but its and idea. go but a 45 watt led for extra ligth its got the correct specturem ther elike 129 bucks cheacp and they plug ina wall get something line it with mylar or if you cant find that get a space blanket you knwo the oens that are really shinny in the walmart camping section there 1.96 any ways surround plant with that and toss the led in there where ever you want ot and rotate that around ever\y cyvcle its worth a try i had apost about adding leds for extra light with my 1k hps and mh but i havnt gotten one response so im going to try it on my grow when i start to flower in a month or so and ill let you know how it does. if your interested,


Well-Known Member
Whoah dude I NEVER said to cut it in half or break it in half, I said you need to look up how to pinch and roll it so it'll flop over (meaning in one piece).

It doesn't matter how old she is, if you can find a video or get the right idea from reading enough it can be done to a plant with a stalk that might seem impossible at first. I'd do it in a few places and have that 2' tall and trained into a circle like a scrog.

If you can't find a video or undertstand it form reading on the subject then don't do it, just do what you can to tie it down. (which won't be as good because you can't get it as tight under the light, but is better than ending up with half a plant.)