Flowering Mcbanter


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, im 38 days into flowering with me baby thats just over 2 months old i think, soil mixed with miracle grow compost, with bloodmeal mixed in and bio bloom as ferts. watered every 2 days and has a 400w hps all to itself. (its just over 1m tall, but tied to the side of the closet as it was getting too close to the light n got burnt at the top a bit) tis a DP strawberry cough grown from seed.

got a few questions though, how do you think its doing? its my first and have learnt a bountiful amount so far! how much very roughly speaking will it yeild? and will the fact that i burnt the very top effect the yield? it seems to only of just recovered up there. buds are growing everywhere on it though and starting to join up with some brown pistilly things now.

will keep this updated as i think its a 65 day flowering plant so got a wee bitty to go. hopefully buds will fatten?



Well-Known Member
oh yeah another thing, there is next to no smell from this plant, only just recently is there a slightly piney/fruity smell when i move it. i was quite surprised!


Well-Known Member
but yeah anyone got any idea about when i burnt the very top tip if itll affect the yield?
and has anyone got any experience with the strawberry cough? if it was good as the reviews


Well-Known Member
yay the top has grown a bit more new pistils. everyday more crystals are appearing im guessing about 20 days left? anyone got any idea when i should start to flush??


Well-Known Member
checked the trichromes n it seems i have mostly clear/cloudy with maybe one amber per leaf, 2 weeks left does anyone reckon? so many views, no replies?