FLowering my 1 plant , want best yield possible


Active Member
I had a little lighting question if ne one could answer me it would be great. well i have cfl's obviously i have
2 hanging sockets with 4 lights attached to each
4x100w daylight
4x60w daylight in a small box covered in mylar.

my one plant is wilting a little i have putt it on 12/12 its burning on top of the plant prettyt bad idk why so i had a question since im going wiht daylight bulbs since veg, should i change to soft white bulbs would that be better for flowering? will i get a bigger yield? its BIGBUD but i shortened it do to height requirement. and the fact that this is just for financial reasons. so it all counts for my pocket heh....:joint: so please give me some advice on what i should do with lighting cuz i want to clone her and put into a home made bubble ponics for cloning..... so i can have at least 3 other plants in there for smaller then will be flowered for longer than this one!!!! help hel p help plz


Well-Known Member
if i had to guess i would say it had to do with the mylar. cfl's aren't actually that dim and if you put it the recomended 1-5 ish inches from the plant with florescents then that might be your problem?

really i need more info. how far is the light away from the top. i need to know the amount of sq or cubic feet. to adequatly asses the situation this information is a must.

remember too, going back to my first paragraph's thoughts, that mylar reflects a ton of infareds which would increase the heat so at that point you might want to use the distance recomendations for a 400w ish hps or mh (i don't have one but i think i recall hps or mh running about 13 ish inches? to 18 ish depending if you get hot spots. which you are obviously getting.

something else about light that i might add would be to use as many as possible. example i have uvb florescents that only run 13 watts but put out high uvb rays similar to desert conditions (for iguana's and lizards and shit). but i heard that uvb rays instigate a little more thc reproduction since thc resin absorbs some uvb rays. now if your soft white bulbs are the same wattage and lumens then yes change those out durring flowering. me on the other hand i have 400 ish watts of cfl's equal to 35000 ish lumens for roughly a 5 ft by 4 foot area. half are for flowering and the other are for veg and i use both during both seasons. and of course i use mylar and i was going to here soon try red and blue colored mylar.

but of course always temp all areas of the grow site. even to the point of just to make sure you have no hot spots. especially in corners!!!! most people don't think about that i knew a guy who burned down his grow site like that. but most experienced growers know this. just how i would recomend would be to hang the thermastat from a string and tack it to the cieling in different area's. obviously start off high and then do the middle of the room. if up top and the middle doesn't have any temp problems the your good, and don't check the floor. unless you have an abundance of electrical equipment that is clustered in places then you would probably want to even check the floor around that equipment.

hope this helps.

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Active Member
What's your temperature? Do you have ventilation? What amount of nutes are you using and how often are you watering with them?


Active Member
ok thanks for all the support rein! i can post pics in a minute need to charge camera battery.... they literall 3-4 inches away from this plant. the temps in there get from 75-95 deg F . So i should use both soft white and daylight during flowering? im only flowering this one. as far as hot spots i will check i have been putting the therm on the bottom so let me raise it and see what happens. it looks like its wilting...the leaves are a little more crisp to the touch not like they were 2 weeks ago. they were soft and green. there drooping ...and i water it every 2 days with mild veg GH hydro nutes. how much should i water per time.
Try to water them 1-2 per week say every 4 days but stick ya finger in the soil to check that it is dry. If u let the plant she will tell u when she's thirsty she will begin to wilt . U need to let the soil completely rt as this will promote grow as the plant grow as the soil dries . Don't feed nutes every feed. Try every other feed and when u feed the plants first feed with plain water then with the nutes so that u don't waste the nutes by letting them drain out the bottom. As far as temps the plants grow better in a vented cool area try to keep temps in between 73-83 degrees once they go over 90 its to hot unless u add co2 to the mix. I am also a first timer so good luck with ya ladies


Try to water them 1-2 per week say every 4 days but stick ya finger in the soil to check that it is dry. If u let the plant she will tell u when she's thirsty she will begin to wilt . U need to let the soil completely rt as this will promote grow as the plant grow as the soil dries . Don't feed nutes every feed. Try every other feed and when u feed the plants first feed with plain water then with the nutes so that u don't waste the nutes by letting them drain out the bottom. As far as temps the plants grow better in a vented cool area try to keep temps in between 73-83 degrees once they go over 90 its to hot unless u add co2 to the mix. I am also a first timer so good luck with ya ladies
Dude.....the thread is 3 years old.....