Flowering Newb

I have been in the flowering stage for about 11 days now with no signs of pistils or the little nobs. How much longer do I wait before worrying? And where on the plant will I first see the pistils beginning?

It's Hindu Kush, about 24" tall, in great shape, and an indoor grow. 250 CFL



Active Member
you will see the pistils at the nodes and near the new growths.
how long did you veg for? seems like a 24" tall plant should be sexually mature enough to flower..
and what spectrum of CFL are you using for flowering?
Hey man I believe your problem is that your using 6500k lights for flowering when you should be using more 2700k. The plant needs more red light when flowering so that's probably why your plant isn't flowering, try using 2700k cfl's instead and see what happens.
Ok, so I live in a small town and our Lowes doesn't carry the 2700K light. That said, two questions:

1. Will it ever reach true flowering with the 6500K bulb or do I HAVE to replace it with the 2700K during flowering?
2. Also, will the 2700K speed up the process if I go ahead and buy one online?


Active Member
It should still flower with 6500k, I'm not 100% sure though... I know you can flower with a MH bulb though instead of HPS so I don't see why this would be different. I'd suggest buying the 2700k though and adding it to your setup so you have both spectrums covered and more wattage. It'll flower faster and yeild more. I'm sure your Lowes has some in the lower wattage at least. It might be better even to use 2 or 3 smaller 23watters to add side lighting.

I'd make sure you don't have any light leaks, be sure your timer is on 12/12 and working properly, and then just give it some time
Thanks to everyone for the advice. I have ordered a 2700K off of Amazon and hope to have it here soon.

One more question: How long should I wait for the flowering to begin before worrying?


Well-Known Member
You will be fine. just be patient. After you get your new light it will start to show HERSELF hopefully. Smoke one and sit back.


Well-Known Member
The plant will still flower regardless of color spectrum. I find it hard to believe lowes wouldn't have anything near the 2700K spectrum. Just make sure you look for the "warm whites". I would try to get multiple CFL's if I were you. Every additional light is just more beneficial to the plant. Some plants can take longer to flower. If nothing happens by 3 weeks, you got a problem. Also make sure that there are no light leaks, and complete darkness.


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck cfls. i think you will be sorely disappointed with the "buds" you get with cfl growing. that one bulb you bought was like 35$ plus shipping and you just bought another one so you spent about 80 for two bulbs. you could have bought a 150w hps for the same money and you would get much better results. if you still have money to spend, go to htg supply and buy a 150w hps for 80$. you will not regret it.