Flowering Nutes


Active Member
ive been using mg 15-30-15, i havent yet changed over yet, i wanna start using the green light 12-56-6 and thought about using both and now im thinkin about using 1/4 like you, Is there anyway i can make up for the potassium??? is it safe to use both also???


Active Member
just MG all purpose water soluble. Im real nervous about ordering stuff.. and going to hydro shops.... Maybe Im over cautious. but i try to get my supplies form lowes or home depot.


Active Member
ive been using mg 15-30-15, i havent yet changed over yet, i wanna start using the green light 12-56-6 and thought about using both and now im thinkin about using 1/4 like you, Is there anyway i can make up for the potassium??? is it safe to use both also???
You can use both... Just take it slow.. you can use 5 diff kind of fert... Just start light and work your way up... Patience is our friend.. By the time im ready for the green light Ill be at full doses of the MG or more. But when I start using both ill cut both back to 1/4 or maybe even and 1/8.. Better safe then sorry is my motto.. :wink:


Active Member
im just asking, should i use this or would it do harm to my plants and the end product. i have 3 shishkaberry that i think need a jump start with flowering.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
just MG all purpose water soluble. Im real nervous about ordering stuff.. and going to hydro shops.... Maybe Im over cautious. but i try to get my supplies form lowes or home depot.
I remember the day that I thought the DEA would be tracking me if I ordered from a website, or would follow me or take my plates if I walked into a hydro shop. PURE PARANOIA. The feds have such limited budgets that they could care less about an average joe walking in to buy a quart of this and that. They try to make their funds worth their while and go after crops of 500-1,000 plants or more. Certainly nothing hobbyist level. If they really wanted to find you, all they have to do is crack down on this site and get your IP address, leading to the home & very computer you use. But they simply put, do not have the funds or manpower to pull off such a thing! So if you're ok talking to us on this site, you should be fine buying some plant food in public! =) haha

If you want to save money on quality products AND stay out of the public eye, EBAY IS THE WAY TO GO!!!



If you're stuck with Lowe's or Home Depot, and MG products, for flowering try thier BLOOM BOOSTER formula, it has the extra P & K you're looking for. It's the water-soluble granules, blue in color, mix 1 tbsp per gallon of water, and feed with it every 10 days of so, stopping before harvest for a good flush.

It is low in both Calcium and Magnesium, things our girls are fond of, so if you notice a lack of greening, you may want to supplement those elments.

I used it (MG products) on my 1st grow last year, with fine results. This year I'm using Jack's Classic Blossom Booster with good results as well. The Jack's is just a little more pricey than the MG, but harder to find. It is more complete though, and had higher P & K values than the MG. I am definitely not into the expensive boutique nutes either.

Good luck with your grow, and happy trails!


Active Member
You can use both... Just take it slow.. you can use 5 diff kind of fert... Just start light and work your way up... Patience is our friend.. By the time im ready for the green light Ill be at full doses of the MG or more. But when I start using both ill cut both back to 1/4 or maybe even and 1/8.. Better safe then sorry is my motto.. :wink:
Now i have been using full does of the mg 15-30-15, when i do eventually start adding the green light 12-56-6 would maybe using 1/2 strenght of 15-30-15 and 1/4 of 12-56-6 sound like a good idea? i just dont want to burn up my roots from over fert


Active Member
im using molassus right now, and some miracle grow nutes (its all i had right now , moneys tight.)
but what about these epsom salts ? thats the first ive heard of them? what effects will this have on the plant/bud? and where can i get them, or what sources if its in household food ?
thansk! :D


Active Member
Now i have been using full does of the mg 15-30-15, when i do eventually start adding the green light 12-56-6 would maybe using 1/2 strenght of 15-30-15 and 1/4 of 12-56-6 sound like a good idea? i just dont want to burn up my roots from over fert
I think I would do a 1/4 at most the first time... Just to be safe... But Im no expert..I just like to be safe.


Well-Known Member
molasses is sugar to "swell" the buds BakedinBC can get epsom salts at the drug store, its for mixing in your bath for sore muscles