Flowering pics from week 7ish + clones etc. :) + updates


Well-Known Member
ya those are lookin good. Void - the yeild im getting is in soil 3 gal pots and i started dwc and those plats are lookin alot thicker. i did dwc and vegged for 4 weeks and saturday will be the first water change in flower [week 1 end] i can already tell tey are gonna be better but not like JJ . im gonna work on some pics i haven posted pics before but imma try to figure it out.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Damn the metric system..

I'm going to guess somewhere around 5 ounces per plant, dry. Give or take an ounce.


Active Member
Lol Metric is the way of the future bro. I think it will be a little less than that per plant though... Will be stoked if its that much!


Active Member
Ok heres a question for ya's. Coco or soil for summer grow? I've only ever used coco before so I am at least familiar with it and like how it performs. However I'm really interested in doing a completely organic soil grow... hmmm...


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
I think indoor and soil is kinda of an oxymoron.. Even coco is slower than DWC, so why would you go backwards?
hey need some help I'm a newbie here!!! just put plant in under a bud light how many hours any idea?my friend gave me some organic bud and bloom u ever heard of it?it doesn't seem to b doing anything?any ideas on what to blast it with


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
hey need some help I'm a newbie here!!! just put plant in under a bud light how many hours any idea?my friend gave me some organic bud and bloom u ever heard of it?it doesn't seem to b doing anything?any ideas on what to blast it with
You have A LOT to read up on and I'm not sure why you're in the DWC section, but they're plenty of guides out there... Just do a bit of searching.


Active Member
I think indoor and soil is kinda of an oxymoron.. Even coco is slower than DWC, so why would you go backwards?
Ummm how is growing indoor in soil an oxymoron? Heaps of people do it lol. I was thinking of trying an organic grow. And I have explained that during summer DWC is not going to work for me. Will be going back to DWC next autumn. Or fall or whatever...


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Ummm how is growing indoor in soil an oxymoron?
It's like going to a restaurant when they don't have any tables open and you end up eating in the bathroom..

Or like writing a paper when you could just type it, but you don't want to fix your PC.

You already have the skills man, don't waste em.


Active Member
Its not like that at all man lol. Have you never smoked good pot grown in soil??? It can be just as good plus I don't care about how quick it grows. I want something low maintenance as I will be busy during summer and can't be fucked with DWC requirements. As I said I will be going back to DWC in autumn.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Nah I know it's just as good.. but it's sooooo f@#$ing sloooooooow.

Also all of my hydros have been better than my soil grows. But I've still yet to grow any bank strains.


Active Member
Yeah well as I said I don't care about speed this time around and I'm interested in organics so I'm thinking this will be my best option. :) Or I will do coco with organic nutes...


Well-Known Member
Jimmy jam am i really baked or is your avatar of stormtroopers riding on dogs lol ????????


Well-Known Member
You are correct Clonex! To be more precise its a scout trooper from Endor.... lol
wicked - plus rep - btw , skip the flouro's when i first started growing , there was no internet , i filled a wardrobe full of the damn things and grew sativa bean sprouts :-) a 250w hps is peanuts on ebay and will kickass of any flouro chap :-)


Active Member
wicked - plus rep - btw , skip the flouro's when i first started growing , there was no internet , i filled a wardrobe full of the damn things and grew sativa bean sprouts :-) a 250w hps is peanuts on ebay and will kickass of any flouro chap :-)
Yeah I have a 400 but I'll prob just use that for flowering. And fluoro's for veg. I don't like running my HPS for more than 12 hours a day. Remember I have to sleep in this room and days are getting hotter where I am...