Flowering pics; jack herer 1 (day 56), jack herer 2 (day25), power skunk (day 8)


Well-Known Member
been flowering these guys under my 400 watt hps, the big gal is being flushed as we speak getting ready for the big chop sometime in the next 10 days (as soon as i see those trichs bursting).
so i can make room for 3 more clones which should be hitting the 8" mark at about that point.

you can check out the journal for the vegging clones here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/151913-1st-grow-clones-jack-herer.html



Well-Known Member
Nice ladies and a great choice of strain, had an 0 of Herrer before and it blew my socks off, Nice Grow!