FLowering plant starting to get black bud! HELP (PICS)


Active Member
My 8 by 4ft out door widdow plant is about 2 weeks into flowering, and everything was looking fine but in the last two days about 10-15 of the buds started to get black in the center. I've never had any issues with this plant, and i'm not sure what can be done to fix this. Is it a deficancy? it looks kinda like a mold to me but i'm not sure. If it is a mold can it be saved? should i chop off all the black buds or will that put my plant into shock???? please help. Let me know if you need to know any more information.
thank you!



Well-Known Member
It could possibly be bud rot or just purple nugs. Yes you can stop bud rot, buy some neem oil and spray the plant as directed and that should stop it. Look at the buds and if you see white mold growing or a white powdery substance then you have mold.


Well-Known Member
I've got similar problem. It's worms. Look in the affected flowers all around. You will probably see little worm droppings or even a little caterpillar. A lot of us outdoor growers on west coast are getting hit. From what I've heard they come every year and wipe out gardens from Mexico to Canada.


Active Member
I couldn't see any worm droppings, i'm going to try some neem oil. At what point should i give up and chop off the infected bud? should i just havest everything or just chop off the effected buds? and if i do that won't my plant go into shock?

johnny on the pot

Active Member
looks like whats been happening to some of my plants, although people told me it was either iron or phosphorus deficiency

the first pic was it at the beginning

the second was what it ended up doing to the plant



Well-Known Member
no it doesnt kill the plant just change what ever feed you are giving it. If you are not useing any feed start giving it bloom feed some arenot right for certain plants i had that too all thru out the stages of veg and flowering, I have it right now it seems that they grow out of it it should be fine but that very last pic looks like the leaves are not getting their nutes. TRY this flush with water from the store for the next five days maybe two times or three times in the next five days. After that start adding very little bloom nutes and start over again.

johnny on the pot

Active Member
no i cut off the affected area and the rest of the plant is still ok, i bought some nutes to fix the problem (phosphorus deficiency) and i stopped watering so much to help with the iron deficiency.. a couple other of my plants seemed to have the same problem starting, i tried neem oil and hydrogen peroxide but neither helped which means it wasnt fungal or bacterial.

ill update you on my progress with this once my nutes arrive

although the other plants that had this starting have since cleared up a little bit with me watering them less


Active Member
Has anyone ever heard of purple widdow. I went to go check on it after i read all the suggestions and the coloration has started to turn purple. This is a clone of a widdow plant.

I know it's been a year, and this is not really a concern anymore, but just for the record, judging by the appearance of your bottom leaves, it is for sure a potassium deficiecy causing the purple color, potassium is known as a color changer, and can be used as a cosmetic effect to your buds, but you don't want to go deficient until just before harvest. when the outer rim of your lower leaves is yellow, with the middle still green, which I see in some of your pics, it is definitely a potassium problem. I use a a mix somewhere around 10-20-15 for flowering, keep your potassium above you nitrogen in this cycle, but lower than your phospherous, when in vegetative cycle I to prevent K deficiency I use something like 15-10-10, keep the P and K just below the N.