Try "super-cropping". It's an alternative to topping. You find an area between 2 nodes and pinch just hard enough to feel it "crunch" a bit. Do that all around the stem so that the top will not support itself and lays down, but the stem
IS STILL INTACT. The top will then grow up towards the light as the stem mends itself. Supposedly, there is a hormone called auxin that tells the plant there is one main top, and this method fools the plant into thinking it has multiple main colas.
Hope this helps.
Would you cut the top off a plant that is 3 weeks into flower if there was
ANY other way to reduce the height? I'd be looking for
ANY option that didn't include cutting off the main cola. That would be a last resort to save what I could.
I made the same miscalculation, and I believe I'll be in dudes position here shortly. I let my girls veg for a bit too long and now I'm gonna have to deal with tops poking up into my reflectors. As I see them, I "pinch, twist, and bend" so that I get a more even canopy.