Flowering problems any advice???

I cant tell you for sure how many weeks into flowering My plants are or what strain, but I can tell you that the buds have atleast 60-70% pistils turining brown... My issue is that the buds are not as dense at it looks... Any thoughts??????????

Is there something I can do to correct this or to push denser flowering? I have been using a high bloom high potassium hydroponix solution.... PLEASE HELP ME...

P.S the smell is soooooo strong and has lots of resin production
bud 1.jpgbud 3.jpgbud 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Pistil color means almost nothing, it's all about the trichomes. Pistils turn color constantly throughout the flowering stage. As new ones grow the older change color and recede back into the bud. Watch your trichs for the only true way to know when they're done. As far as density of the flowers/buds, only thing I can recommend is possibly moving them indoors and getting a bit more intense light on them. Since you can't move the sun closer, this is an option.
I dont have anything to check the trichs on my plants. Cant find anything 50x in my area... By looking at the pics on my plants can anyone tell more or less how far I am from harvest time????


Well-Known Member
be patient, give another 3 weeks, make sure there is plenty of P in those nutes.


Active Member
Your doing fine.
Looks like you have three or four weeks to go, buds will swell and gain a little density in that time.
There is nothing more you can do to increase the density of the buds. Density is largly strain determined.
You can get a scope to check the trichs at radio shack..........Research?
peace B