flowering problems, this is real bad! help is needed

well as the title says I am at my third week and fourth day of flowering and my plants (midnight kush 'g13 labs', supercheese 'positronics', auto white cheese 'dinafem', and cluster 'ch9 female seeds') are all showing a spotting of the leaves and is getting to the point of taking the color out of the leaves as well. I don't know what this is and do not believe it is nutrient related burning as I follow the dosage and actually stay below the recommended dose to keep from burning them, the temps in the room never exceed 81*F and the humidity is steady between 37-46%. I feed them every other watering which is at or on every 6th day and I have flushed the soil every month to keep excess salts from accumulating. I do not know what is going wrong but I know it needs to be taken care of soon (like yesterday) so as not to stress these ladies any more than they apparently are now, no need to have a hermie problem late in flowering. So please if anyone knows what this could be I will take any tips and hints as to how to make this spotting crap go away.brians phone pics 236.jpgbrians phone pics 237.jpgthese are the worst two I could find in the room.:wall:
anybody?? I don't want by girls to kill over on me and I really don't want some piss poor yield either. I know they are somewhat stressed now but any way I can relieve some of it I would like to do, they have been a whole bunch of work just to get this far, it would be catastrophic if they were to die now! Please help


Have you checked for pests? I saw a few actual holes in the leaves? what is your PH? are you in coco? MAybe but I doubt it a ca problem. Def check ph. then try get cal-mag


Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie but it looks like something is eating your plant!! At the first sign of pests I purchased some ladybugs to add to my garden and no problems since! Good luck!!


Active Member
I have the same problem right now no bugs, water ph at 6.5 and room stays below 81. Spotting with holes in some places and well below the recommended dose of nutes as well.


New Member
well as the title says I am at my third week and fourth day of flowering and my plants (midnight kush 'g13 labs', supercheese 'positronics', auto white cheese 'dinafem', and cluster 'ch9 female seeds') are all showing a spotting of the leaves and is getting to the point of taking the color out of the leaves as well. I don't know what this is and do not believe it is nutrient related burning as I follow the dosage and actually stay below the recommended dose to keep from burning them, the temps in the room never exceed 81*F and the humidity is steady between 37-46%. I feed them every other watering which is at or on every 6th day and I have flushed the soil every month to keep excess salts from accumulating. I do not know what is going wrong but I know it needs to be taken care of soon (like yesterday) so as not to stress these ladies any more than they apparently are now, no need to have a hermie problem late in flowering. So please if anyone knows what this could be I will take any tips and hints as to how to make this spotting crap go away.View attachment 2728600View attachment 2728601these are the worst two I could find in the room.:wall:
imo if not nute burn or light burn its bug related get some ladybettles or pesticide coco attracts little bugs they dont often eat the leaves but they will, remove all plants give grow room a good clean out and see how that goes ask any hydro shop they will have extensive knowledge on pesticides they will give you a better idea also dont be affraid to ask most hydro shop workers and owners dont grow lettuce
there are no actual holes they are spots that have turned completely white, they lost all pigment and now are pale and white the second picture is the one in question right. the ph stays stable at 6.7 so i do not believe it to be the issue either. yes it is a cocoa based blend which I added perlite and marine cuisine. it could be my ph test method is incorrect but it seems fairly straight forward, I fill test tube with run off and then add 4 drops of ph test solution and it stays in the light green to green/orange mix, which is 6.5-7.0 so I estimate it to be at or about 6.7. I do not have a way to test the ppm at the moment. I did have a small fly problem but it is gone now (that was about 2-3 weeks ago) sorry I left that out previously. they start out as small rings and then get a ring around the first ring and after that the leaves white out the spots. It seems very strange to me and I do put a cal-mag supplement in once per month also.
Another reason I asked this is because I have a bagseed that came from some dank locally and it doesn't have these spots, this is another reason why this is so strange to me


Active Member
Your running coco? Or soil mix? If it's coco you should be running around 5.8 ph. Coco is considerd hydro. Your problem may be ph issue, and locked out nutes.

:leaf:rare:leaf: sent using rollitup app.......


Active Member
there are no actual holes they are spots that have turned completely white, they lost all pigment and now are pale and white the second picture is the one in question right. the ph stays stable at 6.7 so i do not believe it to be the issue either. yes it is a cocoa based blend which I added perlite and marine cuisine. it could be my ph test method is incorrect but it seems fairly straight forward, I fill test tube with run off and then add 4 drops of ph test solution and it stays in the light green to green/orange mix, which is 6.5-7.0 so I estimate it to be at or about 6.7. I do not have a way to test the ppm at the moment. I did have a small fly problem but it is gone now (that was about 2-3 weeks ago) sorry I left that out previously. they start out as small rings and then get a ring around the first ring and after that the leaves white out the spots. It seems very strange to me and I do put a cal-mag supplement in once per month also.
Another reason I asked this is because I have a bagseed that came from some dank locally and it doesn't have these spots, this is another reason why this is so strange to me
Like JimmyHamilton21 said, It's a Calcium Deficiency !!
thanks for all the help ppl, sorry i just got back to you, I found that it was a calcium def. and corrected it before they killed over on me, the yield wasn't the best due to the stress but it kept me smoking for a while, I am now in the process of doing some outdoors and contemplating some indoors as well. I want to try and cross some of the great beans I have in my catalog. Hope no one took offense to my lack of response, it was just a very crazy time and problems with everything including someone cutting all the fan leaves off my girls. they didnt like that at all and that hurt the final yield as well.