flowering problems


1. Hi guys! I've germinated 2 LSD seeds on the third week of July(2013), and then I transplanted the seedlings outdoors straight into the ground on July 29th. They are residing in Eastern Europe, at approximately the 49th latitude in a humid continental climate. On a good day, they get about 7-8 hours of sunlight, but what startles me the most is that it's already September 4th and they still haven't started to flower yet. LSD is an indica dominant strain, and from what I know, they usually begin to flower when the dark period amounts to at least 9 hours. So far the duration of the dark period is a 10 and 1/2 hours and still no initiation. Will they ever flower (at least by autumnal equinox), and if so, then when will flowering process commence ?


Well-Known Member
That bright, bright green new growth is typically a sign that your plant is entering the flowering stage. If you have enough nodes (6-10) you should be able to determine sex soon.

Good luck :weed:

R2T :peace:


You think it's gonna turn out to be a male? I feel like if it's a male it would have already showed its sex by now. Don't females take longer to show their sex ?


You should be able to tell the sex It doesn't always have to be in flower to determine sex. Might wanna put inside so u can control the lighting


Well-Known Member
The photoperiod is just one of the things needed to flower. The plant has to reach maturity which can very. We started some last summer in the middle of july and they didn't start to flower till the middle of september. Same strain this year was started in May and started flowering in the middle of August.
When's your typical first frost date?


about middle of November, but since summer started late this year over here, I expect it to be towards the end of November if not early December


Well-Known Member
about middle of November, but since summer started late this year over here, I expect it to be towards the end of November if not early December
That late eh, crazy to me that you are that far north but things don't freeze up till Nov/Dec. Like previously stated the light green growth is a good sign, and flowering will happen anytime now. Things happen fast though, like overnight. You got lots of time to flower especially since they can handle some light frost. Good luck and keep us updated.


That late eh, crazy to me that you are that far north but things don't freeze up till Nov/Dec. Like previously stated the light green growth is a good sign, and flowering will happen anytime now. Things happen fast though, like overnight. You got lots of time to flower especially since they can handle some light frost. Good luck and keep us updated.

thanks, but theoretically speaking, it should initiate by the autumnal equinox (September 22) ?


Active Member
I've been having the same problem I have 10 plants 5 liberty haze,1 8ball kush , 1 afghan kush x skunk that are flowering but my 3 "the big" have nothing starting to get worried as snow usually flies around here by 3rd week of oct. what can I do?


I've been having the same problem I have 10 plants 5 liberty haze,1 8ball kush , 1 afghan kush x skunk that are flowering but my 3 "the big" have nothing starting to get worried as snow usually flies around here by 3rd week of oct. what can I do?
I'm in the same boat as you buddy, and I have no idea what to do in order to trigger flowering faster. I guess just let mother nature take its course. This is my first year doing this on my own so I'm pretty much a newb at this.


my indica dominant strains just showed sex, 3 girls, 1 male. cut out the male. my 1st frost wont be till late october, early november.