Flowering question.


Active Member
I have 2 plants I started from seeds about 3 months ago, they are growing nicley, But I cant tell if they are female or male. I want to put them under the big light, but have a clone that I know for sure is female under that light and dont want to mix until I know. So at what age should my plants start flowering so i can sex them and If I find out they are female is it ok to introduce the plants to the big light with the female clone?



Well-Known Member
First I am assuming that the plants you are asking about are not an autoflowering variety. If that is the case then first they really look scrawny for 3 months old. What type of lights do you have them under. Also are you presently using a 18/6 light cycle or have you gone to 12/12 with them? Those picture will need to be closer for anyone to know for sure even if they are showing sex.

Unless plants are autoflowering they generally will not flower till you put them on a 12/12 light cycle. After 5 days to a week (some plant types will take longer) you should be able to tell if they are male or female. Getting a magnifying glass will help you to identify sooner.

Do not worry about putting young plants with your female clone. It takes awhile for a male plant to mature enough to produce pollen. Just keep a close eye out for those nasty balls. As long as the plants are using the same light cycle then putting them together will hurt nothing.


Active Member
you can force flower when you want and as far as im aware (but probably wrong)you only know what sex they are when they go into flower.id prefer if someone more experienced could either back me up or put me right!!


Active Member
I am using the a very low watt light untill I can be sure it is safe to put them under the big light with the clone.


Sector 5 Moderator
The earliest you can sex your plants is when they are showing the 8th node; that is where the first signs of sex show. Your pix show the 7th. Not long to go now.


Active Member
thank you everyone great info!!!!!!!!! One more question for now.. lol I over fertalized one plant should I flush or just start watering more then fertalizing? And also i am using Neem oil for aphids its not working that great any other suggestions? ok that was 2 questions and probably many more to come...LOL