flowering question...


Active Member
i tried a search and didnt come up with anything on the first three pages... i know ive read it on here somewhere... but anyway, my question...

how early is too early to start flowering? right now my plants are about 4 weeks old and between 6 and 8 inches tall. i would like to have a harvest by mid december. i know my yeild wont be as large, but that doesnt bother me right now, as this is a trial run and will be doing a more involved go after the new year...

anyway, as of right now, i will start to flower my plants monday night.


Well-Known Member
induce flowering whenever you want.. remember that a plant will increase about 30-40% of its veg size from the time you put it into 12/12.

Simply depends on how large a plant you want, how much light you have,space,dedication,time, and patience.etc.


Active Member
anybody have any suggestions as far mix goes for a grapefruit stran indoor ? (hydro) getting ready to start the flowering process. ( using G.H)


Active Member
hey slam do u have alternating nodes yet? i think that what shows maturity to flower


Well-Known Member
Ive heard about that alternating node thing but I dont believe it to be true but I maybe wrong, I need some back up here....

For me the only alternating nodes on my plants are on the clone stems and not the main stem..(I'm talking about the shoots the grow out from inbetween the main stem and the leaf stem)

I'm sorry I dont know the exact terminolgy I hope everyone undrstands what I mean.

I've heard you can flower in as little as 2 weeks from a seed, as long as you have kept the lighting close to it probobly using CFLs while vegging for those two weeks.

I dunno for sure tho



Active Member
alternating nodes... ya... its got nice big green leaves some with about 9 fingers on them, and a big cluster of new leaves on top. that and from where the leaves franch out from the stem there are more little clusters of leaves coming out