Flowering Question


Well-Known Member
dont assume i know what im talking about or anything but i think
how dense the buds are really depends on the strain and whether or not its sativa or indica

hope i could be of some help to you my friend

happy tokin:bigjoint:



Active Member
I've read that using CO2 enrichment speeds up the harvest but the yield is ultimately about the same as without CO2. So I'd assume that the time to harvest won't affect the yield much based on that.


Well-Known Member
if it's indoors then flower,

once your plants have reached 20" inches or so and look healthy and strong it is then time to change your lights to 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF. This makes your plant think that Fall has come, and that it is time to begin flowering (budding).


Well-Known Member
Bud density is really dependent on type of lighting. In general hps lighting will produce denser buds than cfls. BUT you can still get good fairly dense buds with cfls. the trick is to flower them early. its perfectly feasable to flower a plant under cfls no more than 3 weeks in, it wouldnt matter if it was much over half a foot tall. you will end up with fewer bud sites, but bigger denser buds.

you may veg a plant till its 2 ft tall with cfls, and yes the plant would be bigger and have more bud sites but the buds would all be smaller and less dense (especially the lower ones). with hps lighting you would still get good penetration to lower budsites, so veging more is ok. you can expect the plant to at least double in size when you flower it with either type light.
