Flowering! Questions & pics


Well-Known Member
Hi all !

This is my first plant.
It is a nice Jack herrer, it was Indoor for some time and then grew outdoors.
It is flowering, and my question is:

- When is it time to have those flowers ready to cut?

It has been flowering for 3 weeks aprox. Its really small, like 60/70 cms




Well-Known Member
jack usually flowers for 7-9 weeks. but it looks like your having some kind of a problem from the looks of those yellow leafs. might want to ask around about it.


New Member
I think some of the other leaves are far too green to be nitrogen deficiency. Looks like nute burn with those tips browned out like that.
I don't know your location but it's always a good idea to put your pot into a bigger one to act as a sun guard for the root system. You'd be surprised at the difference in temperature. Like if that is a 3 gallon, place it in a 5, or a 7 as well. I know that's not what you asked but.... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Minimum of 4-6 wks of flowering left. Looks pretty stressed. Could be getting cooked up on that rooftop. Lots of reflected heat from the wall and the roof. Not sure it is "N" deficient or possible pH lock-out as the top of the plant looks ok but older growth looks like toast and unlikely to revive. You might think about a better spot with a little more protection from afternoon sun.


Well-Known Member
thank you all !

temperature these days has been really high.
Now it has decresed to normal temp again.
I think it might recover...

Another question i have:

The plant was attacked by some kind of bug, (when the plant was at a friends home). He killed the bug with garlic. He told me that it was cured, but how i know that it didnt appear again?
Look at this pic.....



Well-Known Member
id say if the bug is gone and u already sprayed the crap out of ur plant wit fertilizer its up to the plant now... just do everything u know about growing water it give it good light and tlc


Active Member
You got spider mites dude. Almost impossible to eliminate. Spray it with plant soap or a homemade concoction to try and minimze the damage and take what you can get from her. Keep it away from any other plants you have.


Well-Known Member
i think its a nitrogen deff..

i didnt add nutes to the plant.. i think i should.

once, a friend brought little blue balls. It is a multi-nutrient compound. Should i use that? does anybody know how many balls shoud i use?
How do i solve the nitrogen defficiency?

Thnx to all..!!!!, again.


Active Member
i think its a nitrogen deff..

i didnt add nutes to the plant.. i think i should.

once, a friend brought little blue balls. It is a multi-nutrient compound. Should i use that? does anybody know how many balls shoud i use?
How do i solve the nitrogen defficiency?

Thnx to all..!!!!, again.
Well if that makes you feel better go ahead and do it but I guarantee you that you got mites. That's a text book picture of a plant with spider mites. The white spots are where they're sucking the life out of your plant and the black spots are eggs.