Flowering soon in PHOGS

Your Weekly Flowering Porn...

.....brought you to by GOD (Creator) the CAUSE, who always was always will be who is responsible for the causation we see. Specifically who said let there be and called what He created was good...Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed,and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Behold what do I see but 5 little sweeties who want to be the next best good thing to taste and behold and give thanks unto God!
Oh very good Grasshopper yes there are 7 babies however 5 are clones to be trained the other seedlings AK47xG13. Hopefully one is a girl. Children are a blessing from the Lord thy God!

And now for the update on the ladies in training. All topping complete it is just about growing those branches evenly now and getting some growth in next 4 weeks to get some size (height) on them. May need to pull out the 120W LED UFO to get the light intensity needed.

Here you go 4 weeks left looking good....
Well let's see we are now at day 33, two more days till the end of five weeks flowering, hoping to finish strong these next few weeks.



I'll get some close ups to post up soon as well.
You wanted UP CLOSE FLOWERING PORN... hmm smell the sweetness DANKTASTIC!


Ah those were the LED but you want the CFL Look... Don't Ya!


Ah serious flowering going on here...

Yum - those buds are so happy :)

What strain are they?
Blue Cheese, I've got a waiting list already from patients that tried my last batch. Its so smooth and tasty potent at least the last batch was haven't changed anything much. All the soil is an organic base for all four ladies. The exception is that different strengths (ratio mix of SS to base or how it is layered). The one doing the best is the left rear gal. She is in a stronger form of supersoil that I amended to make stronger then what subcool calls for. It seems to me the water system I have allows for hotter soil for the girls can get just pure water from below if they don't need water mixed with nutrients in the soil. I have not seen any over fertilization symptoms nor deficiencies in this method notice how my leaves are all green even at this later stage in flowering.
Hey DS - Thanks for the answer! What is Blue Cheese? Is it Blueberry and Cheese? Or is it really smelly cheese? hehe

What do they smell like right now?

My super soil is making them very happy also! No burning, just very green. I tried one third SS all the way up to 100%. I am also seeing amazing reactions to using this:

It made the clones pray!

Is that the TGA? I've heard the best things :cool:

You finally jumped on the strain-wagon... Nice
I've heard as well, if you've seen any recent post of mine I am preparing to go a side by side Vortex to Blue Cheese cause seeing is believing for I left my heart in the SHOW ME state! So stay posted my friend stay posted time will time it certainly well!
Neptunes.. Yeah I've heard the best things lol

Actually, there's a Swiss Cheese from Nirvanashop that actually smells like catpiss... With a hint of cheese. Very strong
I've heard as well, if you've seen any recent post of mine I am preparing to go a side by side Vortex to Blue Cheese cause seeing is believing for I left my heart in the SHOW ME state! So stay posted my friend stay posted time will time it certainly well!

I gotta Look for those posts.. So can you only keep one? What's the side by side for?
The TGA Jilly Bean, Ace of Spades, and Jesus OG are all impressing me with their vigor and amazing scent. They clone very quickly too. Now we just need to see what the potency is like.

Subcool handed me some Vortex bud at the LA Cup. That shit is strong and it made me forget what I was doing! It really wrecked my short term memory. I couldn't keep my thoughts together.

Here is a side shot of the Jesus OG - note the frost halo on the top leaf:


Blue Cheese is a UK favorite and well renown on that side of the lake. I like it very much the taste the smell the complete high is just wonderful, like a very smooth whiskey. Very much a berry or smell to me more like berry smoothie.

Nice I love the Neptune stuff I've been taking it really easy on my clones for having only 15 plants to work with and needed most to keep my perpetual grow going without critical fail. However the good news is I am forming a collective have everything I need except resources at the moment to go 45 plants, however I've got to keep two patients happy all the time as well. But with the additional 30 to work with I am going MAD FREAKING SCIENTIST MODE (MFSM) now can't freaking wait to do more experimenting with soil and collecting my own Mycros to mend into soil on regular basis. I picked up on BOKASHI and IMO you can collect your own microbes and harvest for adding back to soil on regular bases to ensure a plethora of readily available nutrients at all times.

On the Jesus OG when did you first see the halo, how many weeks left outside for you? I wish I could play outside in the dirt just don't have much privacy around the home outside. And I would definitely attract unwanted attention but damm the size you can grow one too freaking sweet!
Have you been on these threads?:



Some interesting things there I have started using. Coconut water, aloe, lemon juice, malted barley tea...

I also put one of my Mulanje Gold girls in the year-old compost pile:

She seems very happy!

Yes I have thanks. I am learning lot about teaming with microbes right now yet I want to formulate my own blend of soil that does a better job of providing a balance of the big three (slow release higher portion then quick release nutrients) with the full spectrum available of the minor nutrients. To my understanding loading the soil is the easy part, cooking it properly and adding back beneficial microbes and feeding them food (molasses etc) to increase their numbers is my main goal. For I think I can load the soil but getting the beasties to make it very palpable and accessible is my focus now.