flowering starting!!!


Active Member
aloHa how manny days must be the cycle"12/12" to start the flowering its 3th. day bud i cant see something diferrent whith my plants,i started whit 24h. darknes and dhen 12/12 dut no anything....help me!!!


Well-Known Member
Yh it depends on the strain if its late flowering then arouns 1-2 weeks and if not then anything arouns 1/2-2


Active Member
takns people!!!somethink intrestinkt--2 plants show the sex on the 4th day theyare male m***** F**** :(


Active Member
im so stuped i killed my plants oh my god!!!i found new kind of nutrion but may be i put too manny and now my plant are dead :((((and i have no money for seeds m**** F****


Active Member
Haha, thats gotta suck, Im assuming your growing hydro. Even in soil always use less than recommended amounts on label for nutes. Just start low, if your plants take it nicely add more, or just keep it as is. Just start low and work your way up with your nutes.


Well-Known Member
im so stuped i killed my plants oh my god!!!i found new kind of nutrion but may be i put too manny and now my plant are dead :((((and i have no money for seeds m**** F****
daaaamn.....u serious man?!? sorry to hear that bro' :( damn...


Well-Known Member
fuck and i was scared to even add nutes into my grow.. so i halved the dosage. Seems to have the desired effect :)


Well-Known Member
lol ya :p The nutes I bought kinda suck anyways.. I need to get some that have more nitrogen in them.. thats the first number right? I got some nutes that are just the same all around. I need to look harder.. if anyone knows of any good nutes that you can get at like home depot or walmart.. or online please go to my thread in my sig and let me know! :)


Active Member
tell me some nice kind of weed min bulgaria have not nice ganja i wanna something big and not verry strong,,,a i forged 21l. soil is enough for good cultivation???


Well-Known Member
Moster, Barneys Farm Red Diesel, Barneys Farm Night Shade, Barneys Farm Violator Kush
but i only get the best and stongest lol you might wanna get some weaker shit lol