Flowering starts today!


Active Member
Hello all just thought i'd share my plant with you guys she is 5 weeks old was vegged under 5 26W daylight Cfl's and i started flowering today with 5 2800k 26W Cfl's and 1 26W Daylight, the first pic is from the side and the second is from the top of the canopy



IMO, you need you increase the amount of light in there, I'd get socket splitters, the hardware store will have them, they just allow you to screw in two bulbs to one socket. your yield will thank you.


Besides that you've got a nice healthy lookin plant, if the leaves stems continue to purple add more P or reduce the acidity of the fergitation.


sexy plants--- i'd agree with the more light suggestion add three or four splittersd and get 2700k bulbs to add to the current setup and remember... most of the cfl light output comes from the sides of the bulb.


Active Member
Get a light meter and measure the FOOT CANDLES reaching the leaf.

I'd guess you are LOW on light.

Light needs INCREASE GREATLY during flowering.

You should have 4,000 - 5,000 footcadles on those plants.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments everyone!! i am going to go pick up 4 or so more splitters (already got one) now the question is i have 6 2700k CFl's and 5 Daylight cfl's..... i know the daylight is for veg but should i just add some daylights in with the 2700k's? or should i go get more 2.7k? just wanna have the best yield possible never thought id be able to veg a plant like this using only cfl's but she really has blown my mind.....as for the P.... lol its funny you noticed im using floranova grow right now but my shop is all out of bloom (should be in, in a few days) so for right now im kinda stuck with what little P floranova has in it.


Active Member
adding another pic to show all lights i am currently using had a type up top im running 4 2700k's and 1 daylight currently have 2 2700k's not being used and 4 daylights not being used the lumens count is at 8600

(edited to add lumens)


if your growing soil guano is a good organic substitute. you can find many types, some high N some high P I'd just add to the water. Great stuff!


i'd say add one or two daylight and keep the rest 2700k-- Always good to have both color spectrums.


Active Member
Its in a DWC hydro set up but im thinking only a week without flower nutes shouldnt hurt her i believe im going to add in the lights tonight didnt get splitters yet but i can use some desk lamps till i go pick some more up, i think for my next time around im going to try to LST the plant so eventually when shes big enough i can have a few cfl's inside of her