Flowering Time :D


Active Member
itinkitook2much - My bad lol i took those early when i woke up and uploaded them at woRk lol.

Zubey91 - Nope im not asking lol just showing off my 1st Female ever :D

Ill upload more pics def i have a grow Journal as well Lemon Kush :D was growing 2 at once 1 was male this one turrned out female so super exicited :bigjoint:

itinkitook2much - Ill also try and get dif angles 2 bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
fine lookin girl my man, grats on ur first now ur lady gonna realy start to have some fun!! ats what its about and will be the best uve ever had (even if its not) satisfaction is great. be certain to cure properly.